Chapter Thirteen

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Sundays should be a day of rest, but not for me. After only managing to get three hours sleep, I am sadly up and already working on the interview. I really want to show Dex something productive tomorrow. Transcribing what's been said on my dictaphone is wholeheartedly bittersweet. Listening to the many recordings of Rhys's voice has me realising just how much I will miss him. It wasn't until I listened to those recordings, that I could hear the chemistry between us. The ease of many of our conversations, the rise and fall of the natural laughter that we shared, the openness on his part and the curiosity on mine. Then there was the endless banter. The sarcastic, the fun, the annoying, the flirty banter. He could have me wanting to hit him one minute, hug him the next. For me, Rhys Ryan was no longer this complicated pop star. Now, he's a complicated human being. A being who somehow managed to crawl beneath my skin. I am annoyed with myself for letting it even happen. I am even more furious with my heart, for letting him creep inside of it. Although you could say that my heart did have a very good alibi. I was trying so hard to keep Rhys Ryan from out of my mind, I stupidly left my heart unguarded. Unprotected against him, it simply stood no chance at all. I have always thought of myself as a pretty astute and intelligent person, but it would seem that my heart knew things before I ever did. Oh my days! I really think I need the antidote to this guy.

No good will ever come from liking him, no good at all.

It's also no good me worrying about it now. I have important work to do.

There is absolutely no time to wallow and worry over things that can't be changed. Quickly tying my long hair into a messy top knot, I have determination rushing through me.

I will get this interview done.

I will get the photographs chosen.

I will stop thinking about Rhys Ryan.

Taking in a deep and calming breath, I know that I can finish what I have started here. With a little detachment from my feelings, I can absolutely do this. I promised myself that I would do Rhys justice with this ten page spread, and that is what I fully intend to do.


The day seamlessly rolled into the evening. It was only my hunger that made me look up into the space of my living room and notice that the night was slowly drawing in. It was the same hunger that had my head deep inside of the fridge, searching for the cooked chicken breasts that I had made a couple of days ago. Just as I am reaching in to take the plate out, my phone rings. Grabbing the phone beside my microwave, I try to make my exhausted self sound much more with it than I actually am. "Hello?"

"Hey,'s Cam."

Surprised to hear from him, my voice definitely sounds more awake now. "Hey, how are you?" I ask, bringing out the delicious chicken that my tummy so desperately needs inside of it.

"I just wanted to check that you were okay. How's that head of yours?" He sounds cheerful, thoughtful too.

Taking out a wholemeal wrap from out of its sealed packaging, I happily reply. "Oh, it's much better now." Opening my cutlery draw, I lift out a knife. "I just needed some sleep, I think. I've nearly completed my first draft of the interview, as well." I am happy to share with Cameron how far I have got on the interview as I am cutting up some of the chicken on the chilled plate.

"Already?" He asks in a higher than usual tone of voice.

Chuckling, I answer. "Yup! I'm a little sleep deprived and absolutely famished, but I think the interview is nearly there."

"So when you said you needed some sleep, some was all you had?" His voice is light and enquiring.

"Oh yes!" I laugh, opening the fridge door to take out the cucumber and the mayo. "Are you packing?" I ask with the chopping of the cucumber now echoing down the line.

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