25(My face?!)

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 (iiEmoxDW no, I didn't steal this picture from you. I had a bunch pictures set up as chapters already and this happened to be one of them. LoLzOr)

Anyways, This is the literal best picture of me I could find for you guys. I decided to finally reveal my face. You're welcome!


Oh my! I can't believe I forgotetted to tell you guys!!!!! 

So I'm gonna go ahead and assume all you TØP fans know about the Tour De Columbus tour thing. 

I'm also gonna assume you know that you had to enter for a chance to win a chance to buy tickets for it.

Once again gonna assume you know it's like a literal once in a lifetime opportunity. 

Welp, I gotetted a code to buy the very un-expensive tickets not once, not twice but three times.

Guess who's NOT going though...

My mom refused to buy them even though for the two tickets together it was only $99.30. She claimed I didn't deserve them.

I was legit so triggered. I literally cried. 

I mean sure it's in Ohio and I live in New York but still!!!!!! It was a one time opportunity. 

I'm Jish Dun. 

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