Whale then

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Um okay that's a first.

I got a pm that said someone was triggered with my tag answers. I'm not going to mention the user but I'm sorry if I offended you. I really did it as a joke but if it'll make you feel better I'll re-do it.

1~I'm 14.

2~I like food altogether too much.

3~I'm still suffering with post-concert depression.

4~I have social anxiety and literally cannot talk in public in front of people.

5~I sing like a cat getting run-over by a garbage truck.

6~I'm wearing a Bob The Builder comforter right now because I'm like literally 5.

7~I'm OCD about a lot of things. Like I literally CANNOT STAND odd numbers. Whenever I have to go with my mom to get her nails done, I organize the nail polishes in color and size order. 

8~My favorite number is 8 because when I was little I used to turn them into little people. (Like that 👇)

9~I'm still afraid of the dark

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9~I'm still afraid of the dark. It's not like I'm afraid of the dark itself, I'm afraid of what happens in the dark and the thoughts that flood my mind at night and while I'm all alone in the dark. Oh and that there's a possibility a serial killer or mystical being is in my closet.  

10~I can turn almost anything into a band/song reference.

11~I used to take ballet, gymnastics, hip-hop, tap, musical theater, and jazz when I was younger. I started ballet when I was like 2 about to turn 3.

12~I'm like literally a 5 year old mixed with an old lady inside a teenager's body.

13~I like literally have no social life. Literally.

Well I'm sorry to whoever I offended. I hope this makes up for whatever it is I said that offended you.

Sorry to bother everyone with this. 

I love you my Young Sinning Killjoys.

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