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His eyes gleamed with affection at one point but they weren't the same eyes from before now they were hollow and cold .as he said the one thing he promised never to say "I'm leaving you I found someone new "those words hurt her more than he could ever know, she struggled to hold back tears and felt a lump forming  in her throat.shifting her gaze to the tiled floor of the kitchen and trying to act as if she wasn't hurt .in all reality she had been expecting this, she knew it was only a matter of time before he left her and found someone better
But she hadn't expected it so soon she wasn't prepared to let him go.she whispered a broken "ok" in a voice she didn't even recognize as her own .and she watched him solely nod and walk out the door not even glancing back .as she slumped to the ground in tears heavy sobs wracking her body ,and that's how he left her .that was the last time she saw him .and that was the last time he saw her .

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