I love you❤️

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"But I love you doesn't that mean anything to you " she whispered,"I don't know " he said clearly frustrated running his hands through his messy hair and releasing a breath ."what do you mean you don't know "she questioned he could see she was clearly confused her blue eyes wide and glazed over her blonde curls ,messily framing her face the ends of her lips turned down into a frown."I don't know I can't explain it "he said in a low voice "i love you" but she's something special .shes just so perfect you know he said as he stared into her glassy eyes watching as the remaining shards of her heart cracked and fell into pieces,he watched her die inside .and he had killed her ,"I love her " he whispered turning and leaving hearing her cries as he walked out the door closing it behind him and leaving her in his past.

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