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steel wheels squeaking against the tracks coming to a stop she boarded the seemingly endless train grabbing her suitcase up off the ground with a huff ,grabbing the cold metal railing and climbing the rusty steps onto the train .she let out a sigh slouching into her seat the soft warm velvet rubbing against her exposed skin ,making goosebumps appear on her arms .shivering she pulled out her navy cardigan shoving in her arms and throwing her long brown hair into a ponytail.she glanced out the window as the train started moving the wheels squeaking in protest but begrudgingly moving Along anyway.she watched as the scenery raced by turning into a blur of forest green and a muddy brown color .her gray eyes disappearing from the reflection that was once in the window,as the blur took its place .she heard a deep voice from behind her and something urged her to turn around and look ,and as soon as she did she saw the most handsome man she had ever seen stood but a mere three feet away ,his dark curls fell into his face ,his bright blue eyes taking in all of his surroundings .he was a magnificent specimen of that there was no doubt h was tall and lean a leather jacket adorning his shoulders ,just as she snapped out of her trance he disappeared into the crowded aisle .
Half an hour later the train came to a stop her brain consumed with thoughts of the man who had oh so strangely caught her attention,but out of the corner of her eye she saw him he was on the platform outside of her window but before she could get another good look the crowd once again carried him away.
3 months later

She heard a loud knock on her door and opened it to see her best friend Veronica standing there with a huge smile spread across her face her long auburn hair in a messy bun and her bright green eyes shining with excitement .confused she just stared for a second before asking  "what are you doing here It's seven In the morning?"her voice groggy and rough "come on get dressed "was all she said  in reply .as she dragged her feet to her room throwing on a pair of washed out jeans and a blue top ,meeting Veronica by the door with a sigh .they climbed into the car but decided to stop for coffee,she went to the table in the back of the restaurant ordering a hazelnut frappe and a glazed doughnut sighing and dropping her head into the palms of her hands just as she heard that familiar voice ,but where had she heard it before ,it was so familiar almost comforting ,but where had she heard it before she quickly turned around to see the man from the train his long hair swept to the side out of his face and he was coming her way he handed her  ,her order scribbling something on the side of the cup and walking away .as soon as he was out of sight she hurriedly read the message "text me sometime "and a number .she smiled to herself walking to the car and telling Veronica all about it.

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