The Great Pie Prank

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Things settled down, and my parents and I began talking again, but getting back to even ground with them would be a slow process. Ryan's parents left a few days ago for "business" and wouldn't be back until right before Christmas.

Paul broke up with Bella. She didn't tell us why, but I figured it had to do with the guys wanting to beat his ass. I didn't know why they wanted to beat his ass, and I didn't ask them. Elena and Jordan were hanging out more but would always deny anything was going on. I had my suspicions, but I let it be.

As for Ryan and I, we were enjoying each other. He was never mad at me, and I was glad. I couldn't bear the thought of us being away from each other. As for Frazier, well, he's Frazier and wanted to pull a senior prank, enlisting our help. If you haven't noticed, things never end well as you're about to find out.

We were standing in the principal's office, covered in pie and an assortment of food. The six of us were trying hard not to laugh, but it was hard. How did we get here? Let's start at the beginning.

School started as any typical day. Ryan and I discussed our English assignment when a student came in and gave the teacher a note. He read it and waved us to the front of the class. They summoned us to another classroom to discuss a private matter. We looked at each other and shrugged.

We headed to classroom 16, meeting up with Bella and Jordan along the way.

"You too?" I asked them.

"Yeah, the teacher got a note in class saying for us to meet in classroom 16." Jordan shrugged.

"Wait for me, you guys. Why must we meet in classroom 16?" Asked Elena.

We all stopped and looked at each other - Frazier.

We hurried to the classroom, and there sat Frazier on the teacher's desk with carts of pies surrounding him. He stood up with a shit-eating grin and said, "Welcome to our senior prank."

We all looked at each other and rolled our eyes. Yep, this would not end well.

We set everything up in the cafeteria and finished before lunch, heading back to our fourth period. Elena and I were working on some math when we heard the bell and nodded.

We were sitting at the table having lunch, waiting until the clock had fifteen minutes passed before we launched our attack. As we waited, guess who visited us? Yep, queen bitch herself.

"You!" She growled.

I turned around, and Ryan turned, so I was sitting in between his legs.

"Yes," I said to her innocently.

"You ruined my chances of becoming the homecoming queen as any chance I have of attending dances," she accused me.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a little confusion. If you remember the first punch incident, then you understand what she's talking about now.

"They banned me from attending any dances during my last year of school, and you'll pay!" She barked at me.

"Um, guys," Frazier said, trying to get our attention.

"For what? You started it!" I declared.

"Um, guys," Frazier tried to interrupt us.

"I don't know what you're even talking about, Ashley. I was an innocent victim," I claimed.

"Um, guys," Frazier said as he kept trying to get our attention.

"Innocent, my ass! You're as innocent as Friday's surprise meat!" She barked.

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