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love (noun): an intense feeling of deep affection

yoongi's first piano had been an 88-key old brown wooden piano, lightly used with off white keys and slightly stiff pedals. it wasn't the best but yoongi loved it with all his heart. after he had moved, his parents had sold off the piano - much to yoongi's surprise - to an old couple who had put it in a small storage building that had used to be their old shop.

the couple had given him permission to go to the shop, but forgot to give him the keys. he ended up picking the lock the first time he went to visit then simply left the door unlocked.

the couple had given him the shop, saying that it was old and they wouldn't be around much longer to keep it anyways. he did.

he found his old piano set in the middle of the room, various other instruments strewn across the sides of the room. there was a back room which led to a small garage of sorts, not quite large enough to fit a car, but another door led to an alleyway wide enough to drive a car through.

he sadly sat down and let his fingers press down on the worn out keys. then standing and heading back into the back room. he easily found a bottle of gasoline, and took it back into the main room with him, tossing the fluid all over the room.

yoongi flicked his lighter once, twice, three times until the flame flickered to life and sent a warm glow around the room. he carelessly dropped it and watched it catch the gasoline.

he sat down at the piano, his fingertips poised and ready to push down on the worn keys. he would play once more before he left.

please save me tonight.

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