you and i were fireworks

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-6 months to go-

Bandit giggles as Umbrella bounces her. Party is sitting with his back to Umbrella's side, reading a book to Defying.

Kobra is sitting on the other couch, staring out the window. Sometimes he'll smile and shake his head.

"Ko-bah." Bandit says, pointing at her Uncle, "Ko-bah, Ko-bah."

Umbrella grins widely and hugs her baby girl to her chest.

"Yea, Baby. That's your Uncle Kobra. You wanna go see him?"

"Ko-bah!!" she says, bouncing happily.

Kobra smiles, tears glistening in his eyed as he carefully takes his niece.

"I'm going to sleep." Umbrella states, kissing Bandit's head, then Kobra's.

She walks back to the bedroom, and doesn't bother to do change out of her clothes, just falling into the bed and curling around Party's pillow.

A minute later, the yellow-haired killjoy joins her.

He wraps his arms around her and kisses the back of her neck, deeply inhaling the scent he'll miss.

Sand, sweat, and a sweet flowery scent that reminds him of home.


Kobra cradles both his niece and his nephew. He's starting to fall asleep, as Cherri's hand brushes his cheek.

The cure they're trying is tiring.

He has to go in three times a day for them to do blood work. It's as many times as the medical field will allow. His heart is slowly expelling all the radiated blood.

It might be soon enough though.

Bandit and Defying are asleep in his arms, holding onto each others hands.

He kisses their heads and begins to fall asleep himself.

None of these will be super long. Also, inspired by kaleidoscope-memes, I will be posting TWO alternate endings. Because I can't just write one and not let the others be done.

no patience for glory // danger days: book 3Where stories live. Discover now