you can't hang, then there's the door baby

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-5 Months to go-

Party laughs loudly as he hugs Umbrella.

"I'm sorry. But this is hilarious."


Umbrella glares at the picture that's just come out of the camera.

It's her, Bat City glowing in the background. She's in the middle of saying his name, looking out at the sky. She thinks it looks stupid.

Party obviously loves it.

He takes the picture back, as Umbrella rolls her eyes, tucking a bright blue hair behind her ear.

"Do you think the kids are alright?"

"It's Kobra, Jet, and Ghoul, Umbrella. They'll be fine."

"Oh yea. Cause three single men know how to take care of children."

"Its only two kids." Party says, pulling her tight to his chest.

"Yea. But they're our kids." she sighs, wrapping her arms around him.

"Our kids." he repeats, "I like that."

"They'll be just your kids soon."

Party closes his eyes and kisses the top of Umbrella's head. With the one year fast coming to an end, it's hit him at random moments like a ton of bricks.

His hands start to shake as he holds Umbrella.

"They'll always be our kids, Ella. Wether we're here for it or not."

She hums in response and holds onto Party's shaking body. A wind pushes through the rooftop, making them pull closer together.

"I love you, Gerard."

They rarely use each others given names. And if they do it's a serious matter.

"I love you too, Ella."


"Jet," Ghoul whines, holding a crying Defying out at arms length, "It smells."

"It's a he not an it." Jet says, taking the baby and quickly changing his diaper.

"Mama Jet Star has activated." Kobra laughs from the floor, where Bandit is babbling, occasionally looking up at him and giggling a "Ko-bah" before turning back to her toys.

"Mama Jet Star never goes off with you three." Jet says, fixing Defying and setting the black haired baby on his hip.

Ghoul laughs, then groans as Jet hands him the dirty diaper.

Fluff af.

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