bury me till i confess

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-2 months to go-

Kobra sits up in a hospital bed. An oxygen tube is threaded through his nose and around the back his head. He lays there, blinking slowly and playing with the IV.

A loud giggle comes from the hall and He smiles as the twins enter with Party.

Bandit giggles loudly and reaches for the blond.

"Kob-ah, Kob-ah."

He takes her in his arms and She wraps her tiny arms around his neck. Defying, feeling left out, babbles angrily as Party sets him on Kobra's stomach.

He gathers his niece and nephew in his arms. Defying pulls back and pats his head.


"Mikey?" Party laughs, sitting in the chair next to the bed.

"Ikey." Defying repeats, pointing to Kobra.

The brothers laugh as the twins look confused.


Umbrella sits on the roof. The one year mark is closing in. She looks to the street below. Why prolong it? Why continue the agony? Why not just end it right here?

She slowly stands and spreads her arms out. The wind tugs at her pink and blue hair.

But she can't.

She can't. Not now. Not yet. She's fought too hard to live, just to take it. She can't do it herself.


Ghoul's voice rings across the roof and he wraps his arms around Umbrella's waist, pulling her from the edge.

"What were you think-"

"I wasn't gonna do it."

He let's go of her carefully, "What?"

"I can't Ghoul." she looks him in the eyes, "We both know I wouldn't have wanted to go that way."

He sits next to her, and looks out past the skyline.

"I don't really know these days what's going on in your head."

"You used to."

"Simpler time." he states, running his hands over his eyes.


no patience for glory // danger days: book 3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon