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13th August, 8:32 AM

"Jason, babee," I whined and tried to get out of bed.

"Just a minute, stay cuddled next to me, please" he said.

He looked so precious and adorable in the mornings. He had dirty blonde hair, they were spiked always. He had a light tan and dark blue eyes. I met him in India, he's an Australian though. He came to India for some work and we met in a book store, he doesn't read, it was his uncle's store. Ever since then we've been together. We both came to Australia and he kind of helped me find an apartment. I really liked him. A lot. I am going to let him meet Michael and Calum today so they know he's not what he used to be. For a fact, I was sure Calum would say a yes because he saw me happy with him. Calum was just the kind of person you need in your life who would support and reassure you in every way possible. I was really thankful for him.

We both finally got out of bed and I made my way to kitchen and made some tea, he entered the kitchen and hugged me from behind, "I'll see your friends at 2, yeah?" He asked kissing my back.

"Ummm, okay. I'll get them here" I replied.

"Cool, have fun with your practice!" He pecked my lips and left.

I called Calum to know where the practice was at but he did not reply to my calls at all. I assumed he was sleeping, so I called Michael and it was pretty much the same - no reply.

I shrugged it off and decided to take a shower, and just then my phone rang and it was Calum, sweet. I smiled and answered it, "Hello sleepyhead!" I said.

"Uh, I was watching tv." he simply replied.

"Alright. Where's the practice today?" I asked.

"Your place. Because Michael wants to meet your boyfriend..." He said, sounding really uninterested.

"You don't?" I asked.

"Its none of my business." he replied rudely.

"Right. Okay. I'll see you, later." I said and hung up.

He was throwing his disgusting attitude which was the last thing I needed. I tried to relax and not let him ruin my mood because it wasn't worth it. I was happy because I had Jason and Michael still gave a shit about me, unlike that Calum.


"So, you're Jason?" Michael raised his eyebrow.

"Yes," Jason smiled.

"Can I know why you hit her twice?" Michael directly asked.

Jason seemed to be a bit uncomfortable but he just smiled and replied, "That was a mistake and I still regret it."

"Okay... But if you hurt her again, you know what'll happen, right?" Michael tried to be as intimidating as he could and I just wanted to laugh because he looked so cute while he was at it.

"Never, I never want to know what'll happen because I will never hurt her again." Jason finally said.

After awhile of more questions and answers, Michael finally turned to Calum and Calum just gave him 'I don't know anything' look and Michael just rolled his eyes at him. Calum was being so fucking weird it was pissing me off. We had a different relationship and he was acting as if it did not even matter to him. I know, I know I fucked up before but it was because I was mad and he was taking it too seriously than he should!

"Fine, me AND Calum both think its be cool that you guys are together," he said, saving the embarrassment about Calum.

Jason kissed me as soon as Michael said that and I smiled into the kiss. It was adorable that he cared so much about what my friends think about us and I was so content with everything around me and him.


Okay this is short but it was just a filler on who and how her boyfriend is!!! I don't think there are going to be any Shweta's side of story now. It'll mostly only be Calum and sometimes Michael. Also, thank you for 700 reads!

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