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"What happened?" I asked as she hugged me, crying. I did not know what to think, because my thoughts of what could have happened were killing me. 

"Jason... he-" she looked up at me, "he came to my place and - and he hit me" she completed and hugged me again.

I did not know what emotion I felt, I was sad, in pain, angry and annoyed. How dare he touch her? How the fuck did he do this to her, I will fucking kill him. But for now, I knew to stay calm, only for her.

"Shweta, lets go to the doctor right now, okay, babe? We'll talk about this." I said.

"But please carry me, he pushed me, and-and its hard for me to walk," she cried.

It was really really tough for me to see her like that, right now I just wanted to go to Jason and knock some sense in him, but I thought it would be the best if I took her to the doctor, she needed that the most right now.

"Okay, don't worry, I got this," I kissed her forehead and carried her till her car and took her to this doctor, I've known him for ages. 


30th September, 2014. 8:30 AM

We were sitting in Shweta's appointed room in the hospital. They gave her anesthesia because she kept talking and crying about how Jason would kill her, and it was the best if she took some sleep. I called up Michael, Luke and Ashton later at night and they came here by 7:30 AM, I explained them everything. Right now, Shweta's asleep and we're just waiting for her to wake up, so she could tell us what exactly happened and we could take the help of police. I mean, obviously, I wasn't gonna let him go till he gets what he really deserves. It was just me and Michael in the room, because they did not allow more than two people in the room, she'd get a discharge today though, because she did not have any serious injuries and I was thankful for that, he burned her index finger of her left hand real bad, though. It made me aggressive till my gut.

After about 15 minutes, I felt her move and rushed towards her, "Shweta," I spoke, "how are you?"

She managed to wake up, properly, rubbing her eyes and got up, "Calum?" She called out.

"Yeah, its me," I responded.

"Oh god," she looked at me finally, "I love you," She said.

I felt a gush of emotions, running into me, making me feel a million different things all at once, "I love you, too" I replied and hugged her.

"Uh, if y'all are done being all cringe, can we talk about what happened?" Michael interrupted our cute moment, maybe it wasn't all that cute considering what we're dealing with right now.

"Yeah," I said, parting our hug, "What'd that bastard do?"

She felt a bit uncomfortable and held my hand tightly, she closed her eyes, as if all the scences replaying in her mind, she explained us everything, and throughout the time, I only got angrier. He cannot step into my girlfriend's house and hit her up like this and then tell her its not over, fucks sake, he couldn't.

 "We're gonna go to the cops," Michael said sternly.

"No, no no no!" Shweta protested.

"Shweta, look, we have to. You have to take a stand." I said, kissing her hand.

"No, we can't do that. Calum, cmon, its just once. We don't have to make it a big issue!" She tried convincing us.

"Its not just once. He's done that before, too. Its the third time," I said.

"But still! Calum please!" She was getting really defensive.

"You know the first day we met?" Michael took a seat next to her bed, "The first Sociology class?"

She looked at him, "Yeah, what about it?"

"You spoke about how you want to make a change, how you want to take a stand against such people who hit girls, and a lot of other problems." He stated.

"I was so stupid, I only said that because I wasn't going through it, because I didn't know what its like!" She replied.

"But now you do, why are you backing up? Shweta, we're here with you." Michael assured her.

"Yeah, and Im not gonna leave that bastard alone, you know?" I spoke.

She kept her hands on her head, "You guys don't understand," she said, "we can't do anything here. Jason's dad is John Samuelson, the commissioner. He's the head of the department!"

"But, maybe he's a nice guy! Maybe he'll understand that Jason is wrong" Michael yelled.

She looked up and gave him a sad smile, "Jason has been smuggling drugs since years. They never punished him because of the power in his dad's hand. The minute they find our complaint is against Jason, they're gonna close the case in some way or the other."

"Well then," I stood up, "I know one thing for sure - Jason and his dad are going to pay the price."

Michael stood up too, "Yeah, what's wrong is wrong," he turned to Shweta, "And you taught me one thing through our friendship, that is to fight. We're gonna fight, and that's final"

She sighed, "You guys are crazy. But, I'm gonna start doing what I preach. I'm with you. I'll take a stand, for the better."

I bent down and kissed her, "We will do something"

"Like what?" She questioned, her eyes full of hope, again. That was all I needed. She had always been my hope, and now she's here again, that was surely what I needed at this moment.

"We will figure it all out" I kissed her again, and Michael groaned at us.

Evil Games. {Calum Hood fanfic}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt