A Party?

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Things were normal in my life, I used to hang out with my sister Aubree all the time until that evil girl Alexis came along. Apparently she is her new "best friend". Because of Alexis, Aubree has completely changed. She only wears black, doesn't eat meat, cut her hair and dyed it black. Now I am always alone... With my thoughts.
As I walked to the kitchen Alexis and Aubree busted through the door.

"We're here"! They yelled.

I ran to give Aubree a hug but she pushed me away.

"Stop touching me Elissa"! She mumbled

I backed away slowly in embarrassment and sat down at the kitchen table eating Nutella bread.

"Get up and get dressed, we're going out " Aubree demanded

"Me"? I questioned

"Yes stupid"!  She answered annoyingly

I stuffed the bread in my mouth and speeded into my room. I laid out all my clothes and tried to decide. Even though I didn't like Alexis I did want her to think I was cool and had a sense of style. Eventually I put on my black snapback hat and a black hoodie and jeans with my black converse. I soon after  got into Alexis' car and I suddenly felt nervous as we neared the destination. How could I trust a girl I barely knew ? I am only 14 and they're 16! Where was my mom to stop all of this? I kept thinking until Aubree started talking.

"So you wanna know where we are going? "

I nodded innocently

"High school party but most people are bringing their little siblings-" I cut her off quickly

"You mean there's going to be boys there!? "

"Ooooo Elissa you gonna find yourself a boyfriend?" Alexis interrupted

"What?... Well, you see, I don't-" I stuttered

"My friend Jake is bringing his brother Kaleb he's the same age as you" Aubree suggested

I  gasped as I buried my face in the front of my hoodie and stayed silent all the way until we got to the party.

Aubree Where stories live. Discover now