What did I just see...

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I haven't left the house in 5 days...
I missed school...
I haven't eaten or drank anything...
I have 156 unopened messages...
I never leave my room...
This Aubree case situation was starting to get to me...

Sadly, my mother forced me to leave the house later that night due to the fact that Kaleb's party was in a few hours and I spent 47 bucks on my costume. I guess I have no choice but to go...

I don't see why, Sierra already won. What could I do? I had no proof for the cops to arrest her. It's whatever, I just wanted my mom to stop nagging me.

As I slipped into my bunny costume I'm thinking, how and why did I let Sierra talk me into wearing this. It was a white tutu that barely even covered my thighs. When the costume reached the upper part of my body I realized it was strapless.

"I barely have enough on my chest to hold this up" I chuckled

It sounded like something Aubree would of said. At times, thinking of Aubree was a good thing. Times like this I wish Alexis never broke us up, damn I miss her.

I twirled in front of the long mirror. To be honest I didn't look half bad...besides my nonexistent ass hanging out I laughed as I adjusted the costume.

"Honey your Uber is here" mother yelled from the door

"Coming" I yelled as I grabbed my P-coat and white converse and headed into the uber.

When I reached Kaleb's house it was in a gated community in the middle of nowhere. His house looked to be 5 stories on the outside but was indeed bigger on the inside.

I was actually having a good time. Saige and I were dancing to One Dance by Drake when I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Sierra there smiling back at me. I felt my heart sink to my stomach. But then I noticed she had a small satchel on her, with a strange red blotch on it.

"What the hell Is that" I asked

"Oh, I forgot that was there. I um...cut myself while cooking" she stuttered nervously

That was a load of b.s, I knew for a fact that she had that bag on her when she killed Aubree. I knew for a fact that she killed Aubree now. I could feel myself turn pale as I looked at the blood on her green satchel.

"Hey, Elissa why don't you go splash some water on your face. You look a little pale" Saige suggested

"Yea I'll come with you" Sierra smiled

"I think it's best she goes alone" Saige chimed in with a concerned look on her face as she gently grabbed Sierra's elbow

I turned away from them and went up to Kaleb's bathroom. After splashing my face several times I looked around the tile bathroom  for a clean towel. Unfortunately, there was none hung up so I opened up drawers looking for a towel.

As I opened up one of the drawers I see a towel covering something. I pick up the towel to see a bloody knife fall out. I gasp and jump back, I pull out the drawer further to see a notepad full  of crossed out names. The most recent name crossed out was Aubree Eldest, my sister.

What did I just see....

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