"Now to plan"

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For the rest of the day my mom sobbed in the kitchen as she looked at Aubree's baby photos. I tried to block her out but it was so hard. I closed my bedroom door and sat down by my computer desk.

Now to plan, I thought. How am I gonna figure this whole murder thing out? I pulled out a paper and pen. First I needed to a list of suspects. First on my list was the skank Alexis. Even hearing her name in my head made me so pissed.


The next day as Alexis was collecting her things from Aubree's room I asked her a few questions and I didn't care how brutal I sounded:

"Why didn't you care that she freaking died"?!

"There's other fish in the sea, it's not the end of the world"

"WTF?! You guys were best friends right"!

"Listen you under sized rat! Ask me anymore questions and my foot will be knee deep in your ass"! She yelled as she aggressively picked up her box of things and walked out the house

I clenched my fists in disbelief of what she said. Years later I'm still wondering how Aubree every called her "best friend".

"This is exactly why I hate that brat" I mumbled as I furiously scratched Alexis off the list.

There was nothing I was going to get out of her so I didn't bother keep her on my list. I looked down at the next name and read "Jake", Kaleb's brother. I didn't know where to find Jake but when I and if I do I was nervous to see Kaleb again.

"I need a break from this" I sighed as I tucked the list in my back pocket.

I grabbed my green and blue vest off the rack and raced to Sierra's house. As I walked down the quiet grey street I slowly started to feel creeped out. What if the the killer was watching right there and then? I wondered. I began to sprint and gain speed in every step. The faster I got the worse my thoughts got. They corrupted my mind....

I took a sharp turn on Sierra's driveway and began to knock on her maroon colored door hard. I continued banging on her door as I breathed heavily and kept checking my surroundings. After what felt like hours she finally opened up and I ran inside nearly trampling her.

"Woah woah relax, what's up with you"? She asked as she shook me back to reality

"Nothing, I'm just a little shaken up ever since Aubree passed" I sighed as I took off my neon green Nike sneakers

"It's ok Elissa, you will be alright" a familiar voice chimed in

"It couldn't be, why is he here"?! I yelled in my mind

I turned around sharply to see Kaleb standing behind Sierra.

"You know Sierra"? I asked politely trying to keep my cool

"Yea, our moms work together" he answered in a really hyped up voice

Suddenly Kaleb nudged Sierra with his elbow in her side

"Excuse us" Kaleb said as he grabbed Sierra by her long purple sleeve and pulled her into the kitchen behind closed doors.

I pressed my ear against the door as hard as I could. I could hear snippets of the conversation but I didn't know what it meant.

"She is going to find out at some point"

"Stop saying that, you don't know that"

"Yea I do"


"Whatever let's just go-"

"Don't worry I will protect you Sierra"

When I heard feet shuffling I dove for the couch and pretended to be resting my eyes.

"Hey sorry bout that" Kaleb said

"Oh haha, no problem" I replied

"Hey! Let's go to the park" Sierra suggested

Kaleb and I nodded simultaneously and we walked to the door to grab our shoes. When we headed out the door and started walking Kaleb and Sierra continued talking and laughing. However, I couldn't help but look at he concrete road beneath my feet. I was lost in a maze of thought....as usual. I finally got all my clues in order. Sierra killed Aubree?! And Kaleb was protecting her from the detectives and I who were on the case. But why, who, when? At this point I couldn't take being in this environment any longer.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this" I spat out and took off sprinting to my house not too far away

Kaleb and Sierra yelled for me to come back but there was no stopping me now. I already knew to much...

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