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The first thing I saw in the morning was my
mom waking me.

"Get up Elissa you been sleeping all morning! It's 12:17pm" she called

"Really!? Wow ok" I groaned as I got out of my warm bed

After breakfast and getting dressed I decided to finally text Sierra back. As soon as I clicked send to my message she replied back within seconds.

"Sup, how come you didn't text me back last nite"?

"I was at a party! It was so fun, Aubree took me cuz other people were taking their little siblings too"

"Sounds like a blast, BTW wanna hang out Tuesday"?

"Yea sure, I'm free to hang"

"Ok great! I have to go to my brothers soccer game so byeee"


I threw my phone on the bed and reached over the dresser to grab Dexter's , my dog, leash. I clipped him in and head down the dirt path. As we were walking along side the woods Dexter started barking loudly.

"What now" I mumbled in laziness

Dexter kept barking and pulling at his leash until I gave in. I let him lead me the way he desired through the woods until he stopped at a brown and green disheveled shrub and continued to bark.


I immediately cut myself off as I took a closer look at the shrub. I continued to examine the shrub until I noticed something sticking out the near back. I leaned a little closer to figure out it was a lifeless arm!

I quickly squat down even closer to the shrub and push through the slimy green and brown leaves preparing myself for what might come next. There I see Aubree's body dressed in decaying blood. I gasp and fall back on the dirt as I scramble to pull out my phone. I first call the ambulance of course and then my mom and lastly Alexis, which I regret calling her to this day. The ambulance soon after roared in then Alexis surprisingly and lastly my mom.

As the ambulance raced Aubree to the hospital my mother takes Alexis and I to the hospital driving so fast I was sure we would get a speeding ticket.

When we reached my mother and I we're immediately let into 35D, Aubree's hospital room. As soon as we walked in we witnessed her lifeless body covered with a white thin blanket. I knew what it meant but I didn't want to admit it to myself. I ran out with he room where Alexis was sitting patiently.

"What happened"? She asked

"Aubree- she is....she um" I sputtered as I tried to hold back my tears

"Dead? Oh well, sorry kid I guess" she said as she shrugged her shoulders and patted my back as she exited the ER

Those seven words that left her mouth angered me beyond any compare. I wanted to run up from behind and just drag her by her ugly fizzy black hair but I knew that wouldn't get me anywhere.

"Something is wrong with that- mmmmm....girl" I corrected myself before I swore in front of anyone else in the waiting room.

I rested my head in my cold dry hands and began to think once again. How did my sister die? Was she killed?! couldn't be, she'd have to be really rebellious for someone to want to do that. But whatever it is, I'll found out. I mean seriously, I watch enough Law and Order episodes to get a decent idea. I soon looked up from my hand and I begin tapping my foot anxiously hoping for a doctor to come out saying "We revived her".

"Elissa, come here honey" I heard my mothers sweet bliss voice enter my ears

I ran back into the room and held her close. She rested her pointy chin on my head as she hugged me. I could feel her tears seep into my dry scalp but that's the last thing I cared about at that moment.

We walked to our blue Volvo still arm and arm and drove home...

Aubree Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora