Mall date with the enemy

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As soon as I reached my house I slammed the door behind me and bolted upstairs to close every single curtain. It was a long day yet it felt like just the beginning of the story. I shuffle over to my queen sized bed in exhaustion and lay down. I kept replaying the whole day over in my head until I wonder into a deep sleep.

I was awoken the next day by loud but pleasant knocking on the door. I took a glimpse out the window to see a swarm of family and friends to sympathize us for Aubree's passing. I rolled my eyes and ignored the knocking as I stroll slowly into the living room to see a note lying on the coffee table. It read "I'll be back by midnight, got lots of stuff to do ~Mom" .

This meant I had plenty of time to get my ducks in a row with this case. I ran into the shower not wasting a single second. When I got in and the water rolled down my back it felt relaxing. It's been a while since I had a relaxing moment. The water seemed calming, but not calming enough where I would continue to waste time. I hopped out the shower and quickly got dressed in sweatpants and a huge Pewdiepie hoodie, expecting to not leave the house.

I laid down on my bed once again and began to write notes on what I knew so far until my phone went off. I jumped to the sound, I been very jumpy lately but soon answered it. The message was from Kaleb surprisingly which said: Halloween Party at my house Saturday night you in?

I quickly agreed not thinking of the consequences but wanting to go so badly hoping it would increase his interest in me. As I rested the phone back on the dresser I pondered costume ideas which gave me a great idea. I reached for the phone once more and texted Sierra, I was setting my trap.

"Hey did you get invited to Kaleb's Halloween party Saturday"? I asked

She soon responded with a: yes! You did too! Great!! And a: hey we should go costume shopping like right now! Meet me at the mall in 15 minutes bye

I growled at the fact she didn't even wait for an answer. I didn't even want to go, she killed my sister like who would want to go? But it was too late now. I groaned as I got up and changed into a striped shirt and leggings and got on my bike and headed out.

As I rode through the bike trail my mind was puzzled on how I had a mall date with the enemy. This made me sick to my stomach that my best friend would do such a thing, yet I couldn't show it. My mind stayed stuck on the thought that I was possibly next though, even though she was my "best friend" I couldn't rule that idea out just yet. I knew the things she is capable of now...


I walked aimlessly through the cafeteria looking for my blonde short "friend" until I saw her flagging me down from a far. I walked over to her but as soon as she leaned in for a hug I dodged it.

"Hey what's wrong with you Elissa, u seem in distress"? She questioned

"I'm fine, just a little tired that's all, can we just hurry up and go into the party store to buy the costumes already"? I impatiently asked while wanting this "mall date" to end so badly

"Ok ok dang" she answered as we walked diagonally to the store

The store was dark and had 21 pilots, Goner playing in the distance. I speed walked to the costume aisle and began looking. Oh how I longed for this day to end...

After 2 painful hours we finally came to a decision. Sierra was going as the Queen of Hearts and I was going as a cute bunny.

"I'm tired, I'm just gonna go home now" I mentioned as my eyes darted to the exit

"Hey! Wanna sleep over my house"? She asked

"No" I bluntly answered as I booked it for the door leaving her infront of Party City all alone. That was the last time I heard of her for that day...

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