His Perfection (Matthew Espinosa!!<3)

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Matt's Point Of View

A woke up an hour after I fell asleep, so I decided to message Morgan.


After conversation


It's been a while so I didn't wait for Morgans reply and went to sleep.


I woke up at 11:00. Kyra was already up and in the shower. That mean she woke up a bit before me. I turned on the television watching "Sam and Cat" it was a re-run of when the curly haired boy was trying to buy a laptop for his aunt or something. I didn't pay attention to any part of the show other then Ariana Grande. She's beautiful! I heard the door squeak open and shot my head over to the right. Kyra had a towel wrapped around her head. I could never figure out how to do it, but why did I need to? She was wearing some pink shorts that landed to mid thigh and I white t-shirt. The normal Kyra outfit... She undid the, complicated for me, towel wrap from her head and put it down. "Your turn, go get in the shower, Stinky Boy" Kyra said and ended with a laugh. "Whatever, I couldn't sleep last night because of your stinky body oder. Even from the floor!" I laughed. I grabbed a pear of black Adidas shorts and a white t-shirt and headed towards the shower.


Kyra's Point Of View


I layed on Matt's bed resting my chin on the end bored. I changed the channel to Disney and watched some "Jessie". This was a episode I never watched, so I watched intensively. I was so into the show I didn't hear Matt come out of the bathroom. "Of pudding cups!!" Yelled Matt while flopping on top of me. I realized he was going all long with what Zuri said about Luke only handing pudding. "Haha so funny." I said. "I know because I'm a comedian. DUH!" Matt yells into my ear. "Ahh!" I scream. I fell off the bed, frightened by his screaming, and fell into a pit of laughter. "Wanna go do something?!" I ask, while getting Matt's butt of my chest. While I was on the floor Matt sat on my chest thinking it be funny to pin me down. "SURE!!!" He screamed in a girly voice. I text my mom telling her that I'm hanging out with Matt. And as usual my mom says it's okay.
My mom feels like me and Matt will be forever best friends, but honestly I have no idea. What if his career takes off and I never see him again?! What if he becomes so popular he doesn't even want to be seen with me?!
Matt and I just walk off having no idea what we are going to do or where we are going. We arrive at the football field and knew exactly what we were going to do. Since Matt was on the team he knew secret ways to get into and out of the locked equipment building. He got the key out of the bird nest and sneak in. He walks out with a football in one hand and his shirt in the other. "Like what you see?!" He asks. "Yeah, that football is sexy!!" I reply with my eye brows going up and down. "Whatever, I was gonna play nice and play ButterFinger, but now we're gonna play tackle football, but without the football." He says with a devious grin. I hear what he has to say an then run like crazy because I know Matt can actually hurt someone. Not like he will hurt me, but you know, he'll sit on me and bear hug me till I can't breathe. I run up to the bleachers and across the first row. I get to the other side of the stands and carefully, but swiftly make my way down the stairs. Knowing me I'll fall. "I'm gonna get you Kyra!" Matt screams after me. I hop down the last two steps and run over to the equipment building. I reach for the key and sneak in. I hear Matt screaming and yelling like a maniac. I laugh to myself until I hear it oddly silent. The door handle squeaks open, my heart is pounding and I bet he can hear it. "Come out, come out wherever you are." He sings. I sneak out from behind the stack of cones and over to the ball pin. "Aha! Gotch you!" Matt screams. He tackles me to the ground and sits his butt on my stomach. "Get off tuby." I yell while letting out a laugh. He bounces up and down on my stomach making me to make some odd ugh noises. He laughs his loud high pitched laugh. "I win." He says with a grin. "No you don't, your a loser!!! Matt is a loser, Matt is a loser." I sang. He tickles me, and I laugh like a maniac. He keeps tickling, not stopping for a second. He keeps tickling till I'm on the verge of me peeing my pants. "Stop stop I'm I'm gonna pee my self!" I stutter. He stops tickling me and gets off me, but not by his choice. He fell over by his laughter killing him. "Come on, let's go." I say. Matt stretches out his hand and I grab it to pull him up. We walk back to his house and I tell him I feel up to swimming. We ask my mom if she'll take us somewhere to swim and since my mom is the bomb she says yes.


Matt's Point Of View


I dash over to my house to get some swim trunks. I fall up the last five or so steps because I wasn't paying attention. It doesn't hurt so I just get up and keep on running. I grab the first pair I see and throw then into a draw string Adidas bag, I had in the closet. I write down a note for my mom telling her that I was going swimming in an indoor pool with Kyra.
I stick the note on the counter so she will surly see it. I went out the door not expecting anything, but to walk normally. I knocked down Kyra, and quickly knelt down to make sure she was okay. She hit her head on the concrete and scraped her knee. "Ow!" She groaned. I just laughed and reach my hand out to help her up. She grabs my hand and pulls me down. "Well then..." I say. "Ha! Well I guess it's nice to see you too Mr. Espinosa." I get up and pull her up and knelt down to kiss her boo boo. "All better?!" I ask. "Yesh, my boo boo is all healed." She says with a smile. We hop into her mothers car and end up at a hotel.
We walk in and tell the desk lady that we are only going to be here for about a hour and a half. We run into the pool area, almost slipping on the wet ground, and shuffled our ways to the bathroom and changing rooms. I walk in luckily with no one in else in there. I'm not nervous to change behind a stall, but I am afraid to leave my phone, and other items in the locker. I put it into locker 36 and shut it.
I shuffle out if the room to see Kyra at a table across the room. I shuffle myself to the other side and greet her. "So, do you wanna go into-" I was cut off by Kyra pushing me into the pool. She jumped right in afterwards. "So what were you saying?!" Kyra asks after aiming up from the water. "Oh I was going to ask if you wanted to go into the deep end or the shallow end." I answer. "Ha! Well no need for answering now." She laughs. Kyra back pedal swims to the side and pushes off with her feet. When she pushed back she came back pushing me in the chest. She opens her eyes and smile. I smile down at her. She makes her way back to her feet and go under the water. She comes up and spins around hitting me in the face with her hair. I just laugh and so does she. Kyra opens her mouth in awe and just stares behind me. I try and ask her what she was looking at, but she grabbed my head and pointed it to behind me. I opened my moth and turned back around to her. We deviously nod our heads and swim to it. It was the biggest floatie we ever saw. I arrived first and jump on. Kyra arrives like 10 seconds after me and I stuck my hand out to help her on. We just sat up the floating around. Until we went under the waterfall... The little pellets of water actually hurt. We just jumped off going into to different directions. When I came back up I couldn't find Kyra. I jumped out of the pool to see her in the hot tub. I get out and make my way the tub of bubbles. I sat down on Kyra and all she did was push me off. Oh how that water felt magical. We practically sat in there the whole time. When we decided to get out we looked like wrinkled up raisins.
We shuffled our way to the sona and just talked. "Sooo, what were you doing last night?! I heard the sleeping bad rustle around." Kyra asked. "Oh, I woke up about an hour after I fell asleep and decided to message Morgan." "Oh, cool. I guess. I don't know." Kyra said. I was gonna ask why she was acting odd, but she got up and put her hair over me and squeezed it so all the water would come out. "Thanks, I needed that shower." I laughed. "We should probably get dressed now." Kyra said. "I don't wanna goo!!" I whined. She just got up and smiled and left. I sat there for a minute just starring off into space. Then I got up and decided to get dressed...

Hey guys. Sorry I didn't update, my stomach wasn't really letting me feel good... Anyways, love you guys!!! Oh and comment and say if it was good or not. If you have any ideas or want to be apart of it just Kik me at Emily_Blake22.

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