His Perfection (Matthew Espinosa!!<3)

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Morgan's Point Of View

We hopped out of the cart and I could tell he was a bit dizzy from that loop I caused. But he wasn't the only one either. We looked at each other and we both knew we were just spinning. (Like when you spin around a lot the world looks like it's spinning) We both laughed and plopped down on a nearby bench.

"Has your world stop spinning?" Matt asks with a laugh at the end. "Haha, yea. So what do you wanna do now?" I ask. "GO EAT PIZZA!" He yells while jumping up and down. "Well let's go!!" I scream. I hooked my arm around his and made our way there. A lot of people were giving us weird looks, it might of been that we were just really loud or that they recognized Matt.

"Aye!" I hear Matt yell, but it wasn't to me. He must of texted Taylor, because he was getting out of the limo across the street. It doesn't surprise me that he's the 2nd one here. Indiana is at least an hour drive to Illinois. "Hey bro." Taylor yells to Matt. "How'd you get here first?" Taylor asks. "Oh, Kyra thought it would be best to go ahead and come here." He says. With that I remember what he said on the "Zipper" that Kyra and I are the main girls. "I wonder who she is." My brain says to myself. "Same here." My feeling says. "I might be getting jelly. (jealous)" My heats says. "NO, stop!" I say in some part of my body. "He just met me and there's plenty to still learn about Matt." I say. And with that being said, I stayed out of my feelings. "Oh, how's she been treating you?" Taylor says. "Awe, poop, he's taken." My brain says. "No, stay out of this!" I yell to myself.

I'm such a freak, I talk to myself about my feelings. It's just a bit weird.

"Kyra's amazing, but I have another girl in mind, she has an amazing personality and she's beautiful." Matt says. I didn't realize I was behind Matt till I felt his hand grab mine to pull me beside him. "Is this the young lady?" Taylor asks. I blushed a bit and I just knew Matt wouldn't be the type to date someone he doesn't know. "Why yes, yes she is." He says with a smile. I felt my cheeks burning up as soon as he said "yes", I think my jaw dropped because he bent down and looked me in the face. He put his hand on my jaw and gently pushed it up.

I imediently looked down and plushed. "Awe, whittle miss Espinosa is bwushing!!" Taylor screams. I looked up with a sly grin and jumped on Taylor's back. "AHHH, get your girlfriend off of me, I'm not a hoarse!" Taylor yells. "Hoarsey!! Hoarsey!!" I scream and before I knew it Matt had me on his shoulders taking me off of Taylor. "Okay Matt, you can put me down!!" I yelled while smiling and laughing. He sat me down on the picnic table and Taylor sat down next to us. "I'm hungry!" Taylor whines. We spotted Taylor before we got our food. Matt decided on pizza so he set of to get it. "So are you going to MagCon?" Taylor asks. Matt returned with pizza before I even got a chance to reply. "Yummy! My favorite! Thanks babe" Taylor says to Matt. "Anything for my boo!" Matt says. "So you went gay for Matt because of pizza?!" I asked Taylor. "Oh yeah gurrl, Matt's the best." Taylor says.

After about another 5 minuets of conversation like this Matt asked the same question. "So are you going to MAGCON?" He asks. I sighed and said "I was, but I dropped my ticket." "Here you ca have my guest VIP ticket." Matt says. "Oh and was your ticket in a white envelope?" Matt asks. "Yeah..." I say. "I found it." Matt says while getting if the bench. He pulled out the white envelope from his butt pocket. "Omg!" I squel...

So guys comment below if it was good. And by the way I will also be having a contest for you readers. I'll pick two lucky girls and DM and text Matt your twitter usernames. Comment your usernames or you can Kik me at Emily_Blake22 and at knpanetta9224. No promises that he will follow you, but it's worth a try right?! Contest ends March 1st.

Only two winners. Good luck to all!! TWITTER USERNAMS!!<3

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