His Perfection (Matthew Espinosa!!<3)

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Morgan's Point Of View

Yesterday Matt and I went out and it was amazing. First we went out to breakfast. It wasn't big and classy, it was a small local looking restaurants. "Country Kettle" is what it was called. It was nice and it wasn't loud and wasn't quiet. Everyone acted as if they were all old friends. We choose a nice little booth and got served quickly. "Uhh.. I'd like the scrambled eggs and bacon on the side." Matt said after our waiter gave us our orange juice.

I didn't even order. Matt gave the man a price of paper, the man nodded and left. "What was that." I asked curiously. "It's apart of our Valentines Day date." Matt said.

While we were waiting on our food Matt and I were just chatting away. I love it!! We were telling secrets and he was trusting me and so far I'm hoping this relationship lasts.

Our food came out and the waiter had the tray over my head so I couldn't see what he had for me. "Close your eyes, miss." The waiter said to me. I looked over at Matt and he nodded, I put my hands over my eyes and heard silver wear hit the table and my plate set in front of me. There were other things going on, but of course I couldn't see anything. "You may open, miss." I opened my eyes and saw a plate made with perfectly shaped heart pancakes with "M+M" on them and sprinkle hearts. There were flowers in a vase and a card.

I opened the card and read "I löw you!" With a heart drawn on the side. I was cunfused at first but there was more in the card. A sticky note read "Löw - Love... When your love is so unbearable, when you can't make words to explain how much you love someone. Where you didn't even want them in your life because your love for them was tough."

Then and there I realized Matt loved me even before he knew what I looked like or how I behaved. He liked me for the personality I shared with him online. He loves me for me and I feel the same for him. He made a word even to explain his love and compassion for me. This boy is the best thing that has ever happened to me

By then I was tearing up and didn't know how to calm myself down. I slid out of my booth and rushed outside. I was sitting on a bench when I heard Matt approach me. "What's wrong?" He asked. I sniffled out a "Nothing." "Something's wrong or else you wouldn't of left." Matt said. "It's just no one has ever cared about me this way. I'm usually the kid that gets bullied at school. I'm the kid who has maybe one friend." I sniffled while about to cry even more. Matt sits down and put his arm around my shoulder. "I'll be here for you. Always. You have me and the whole MAGCON family. I wasn't going to tell you this, but I will now. Bart has said your aloud to tour with us."

I looked up at him, tears were drying up, but not all of them. "Really?" I ask. "Yes, they all said it was alright and they actually think you'll be a lot of fun." He said while wiping away my tear. "Bart also said we have to get ready, MAGCON starts in a bit. And Morgan I know your secret." He said. I looked up at him cunfused. "Kyra's here. She was in the group message." Matt said. "That was suppose to be a suprise!!" I yell while getting up, and whipping my face. "It means a lot, you know. I'm glad I have you and Kyra. You two are the only girls I can trust and I love you both." Matt said. "I love you too." I say smiling at him.

We were walking back to the hotel hand in hand and just plain happy. He walked me up to my door and gave me a kiss. "See you in half an hour babe?" Matt asks. I shake my head and enter the room.

I make my way to the bathroom and quickly get in. I mean seriously I'll meet all the boys correctly and i just want to look good.


After Shower


I turned on the blow dryer and quickly brushed out my hair while doing so. I spent maybe 10 minutes in the shower. I rapidly run outta the bath room and look for my bag. I should've grabbed my bag before getting in the shower. (Towel Is Wrapped Around Body) I stopped at a halt and it turns out Kyra, Ann, and Hannah laid out my clothes on the sofa. It was a beautiful outfit. It was a pear of skinny jeans and Uggs. A crop top was laid across the sofa along with the other clothing. I thanked the girls an ran back in the bathroom.

I exited the bathroom and felt pretty. I never usually feel this way, but Matt telling me how he felt about me and having Kyra, Ann, and Hannah as friends jus make me feel great. I still had about 15 more minutes and the girls took me over. Hannah was doing my hair and Ann, and Kyra were doing my makeup. I didn't care what they did to me because they all are beautiful and honestly I didn't care.

Just as I was about to leave I told them that Matt knew about Kyra...

Hey baes! I just wanted to say sorry for taking forever!! And sorry it's so crappy!!! But I also want you guys to know that I care about every single one of you. If you ever feel sad or down just message me. Kik ~ Emily_Blake22 or just message me on here and give me your number.

I also want to see if you guys have ever felt "Löw"??? Have you? I LÖW MATT ESPINOSA!! If I see any of you tweet or use Löw on Instagram or Vine, I will automatically send your username to Matt Espinosa on my personal twitter. @Emily_Blake7

Twitter ~ @HisPerfection16

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