chapter 8

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Justin's pov.

I never been here before they would tell me that this is where rebels would die. I look around at everyone sleeping then I just stare at the bars scared. I look at them closely and see If can fit. Hmm its not a very big space between it but I can fit. I get up and tip toe to the bars and squeeze my way through. I claw my way through. I feel someone pushing me. I turn around to see Juliet.

"Shh don't say anything just go get us the keys" Juliet says

"Where are they" i says

"With your grandpa" Juliet says

"Ok" I say

She pushes me more and I fall.

"Hurry he's dangerous" Juliet says.

"Ok I will but what if he or they find me" I say

"Run or" Juliet says and puts her knife in my hand. "Fight against your grandpa"

"I will" I say and pick up a mask. I put it on and start running down the hall. I slow down and look to see if anyone is around. I tip toe out and look around. I tip toe down a dark hallway. I make it keys on a table. I can do this I can do This. I tip toe to the keys and grab it. I hear the door close. I turn around to see him. I hold out my knife. I start shaking.

"Stay back " I say

"Even if I stay back I can still hurt you" william says.

the only thing I think is to run. I throw the knife but something came out of my hand. I wasn't pay attention I know it was something black. I ran out of the room before he catches me. I run to the rebels.

Alex's pov.

I open my eyes and remember what happened. Oh ya let me explain I'm amune to it. This wasn't the first time I did this. This happens a lot when I lose my mind. mental eye roll. I rub my head and look at my wrist. Great they tied me too. I get up and look out of window. I wonder how they are doing. I'm also trying to figure out why ryland needs to get married with me today and for us to leave. I feel a sudden pain in my stomach so I hold my stomach. I start walking to the door but i was hold back. I pull on the chains really hard and it breaks. I look down at myself to see I'm just in a tank and shorts. Damn It. I walk to my closet and look for my jacket. I hear my door open. I turn around to see ryland.

"How are you standing you are supposed to be on your bed" ryland says. I can't stop laughing he is a real damn idiot.

"I have damn strength you idiot" I say as I laugh and put my vest on.

"You aren't leaving" ryland says

"I will you don't scare me" I say.

"You should be scared of me" ryland says.

"I am not but you should be scared of me" I say

"I'm not scared of a weak girl" he says and grabs my arm.

"Maybe you should" i say and my eyes turn pitch black. I grab his arm and push him to the wall. He hits the wall and gets back up

"You little" he says and comes running at me.

I move out of way and he hits the door. I laugh and hit him. He grabs my hand and flips me onto my back. I hiss in pain. He grabs me by my neck and pins me to the wall.

"Let's make a deal shall we if we marry I'll free the rebels and your Son" ryland says

"What if I say no" I say as I claw at his hand

"I'll kill them all" he says and tightens his grip. I start choking in his grip. I try mumbling. He losens his grip.

"Don't kill them please " I say

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