Chapter Two

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Umbrella (Lindbergh Palace remix) - Rihanna, Jay-Z 


Mitch meticulously scavenged through every single aisle. He was on a desperate mission to find the best snacks that were aligned with his annoyingly limiting dietary restrictions. Why was this so damn difficult? He wanted something sweet. Like a loyal puppy dog, Scott trailed closely behind with his arms full of beef jerky and Doritos. This was him in his most natural state. He was getting a little frustrated as he could not get any signal on his phone.

"The reception in this place sucks too," he declared. "It's only getting worse."

"Ugh. Where's their apple sauce?" Mitch whined.

"Wãzderápfelsüz," Scott jokingly mimicked.

Mitch giggled, "Seriously though, my mouth is watering. I'm REALLY craving some."

"Oh my god!" Scott gasped as he stopped in his tracks and grabbed Mitch's arm, standing in front of him. He intensely stared into his best friend's deeply concerned eyes and then continued, "Are you pregnant?"

Mitch chuckled but quickly shoved Scott off of his arm, rolling his eyes as Scott preceded to laugh at his own joke. He was laughing so hard, that he almost dropped the snacks in his arms. 

"Wow. SO funny," Mitch sarcastically replied.

Kevin looked up at them from across the aisle, "What's so funny?"

"Literally nothing," Mitch looked back and smiled at Scott who was still laughing with both of his hands covering his mouth. He only stopped laughing and gasped when Beyoncé's "End Of Time" started playing over the loudspeakers. That wasn't predictable. Mitch finally found his beloved applesauce and also grabbed a bag of sour cream and cheddar chips for Kirstie. Then the three boys joined Avi near the front of the store. He was poorly attempting to hide in embarrassment as Esther argued with the man behind the counter.

"I'm sorry, but there's absolutely nothing I can do about it ma'am. Nothing," he insisted. "It's cash-only. My credit card machines are not working at all. The only reason I can even have the lights and music on in here is because of my backup generator. It's out of my control at this point. You can either see if someone in your group has cash or you can leave and be disappointed elsewhere."

"Are you kidding me? What the hell is going on today? This cannot be the-" she yelled, but was cut-off by Avi.

"It's fine, Esther. I'll get it this time. Don't worry. Everybody go ahead and lay your stuff down. My treat," he asserted with a charming smile, desperately attempting to deescalate the situation.

She quietly surrendered and he pulled his wallet out of his back pocket, while motioning for everyone else to place their items on the counter. They did as they were told. Avi stayed quiet until Nicole grabbed Esther's hand and walked her out of the store.

"I really should give him a piece of my mind," Esther complained. "Can you believe he treated us like that? I understand that he is having power issues, but to be so blunt and rude about it... Can't he be a little sympathetic, my God! I've had enough of this mess today. I honestly am at the point where I want tour to be over with. I'm over it. I'm so over the stress."

"I know. Everything has been going wrong today. You must feel like it's your breaking point," Nicole said. "But I think this is just one of those... bad days. There has been some really good days too, remember? We've had a lot of fun. All the late nights and stupid pranks. The constant love and support from their fans, even to us? It is just... amazing. I know you must have a lot of pressure on you to get everything right, but I can honestly tell you that this has been one of the best times of my entire life. That is because of the band and the fans. But, it is also thanks to you and all of the hard work you do. You must know that."

Esther suppressed a smile, wavering a little in her anger. The rest of the group joined them outside, after Avi repeatedly apologized to the shop owner. 

"Again, I'm sorry about my sister. It has been quite a day," he said as they left. "Stay safe!"

"You don't look quite as irate as you where a minute ago," Kevin said as he walked up to Esther.

"You guys are all pretty great. It's hard to stay mad when I'm around my amazing tour family," she replied. "I almost forgot how lucky we are."

Everyone exchanged smiles and started heading back to the bus. Their mood lightened. They were certain that they would be in the city soon, having a great time, and continuing an overall great tour. Mitch opened the door and saw Kirstie and Jenevieve sitting on the couch, both practically staring through him. They looked frozen, as if they had just seen a ghost.

"What's wrong?" Mitch asked.

"Oh my God," Kirstie cried as she stood up and ran over to cry in Mitch's arms. She hadn't done that since they were teenagers, but she was so overcome with sorrow and fear in this moment. She needed this familiar comfort or else her emotions might cause her to implode.

"What happened," Scott said as he watched Kirstie sobbing hysterically. Mitch just stood silently and didn't budge, except for gently wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I don't understand," Mitch softly spoke to Jenevieve. He was getting choked up too, seeing his cherished friend like this. He wanted to protect her or try to comfort her, but he could barely speak.

Jenevieve carefully told them everything that they had heard on the radio broadcast.

Everyone was speechless after that.


"Told you I'll be here forever. Said I'll always be your friend. Took an oath I'm a stick it out till the end. Now that it's raining more than ever, know that we'll still have each other."  

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