Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Some quality trio fluff!! xx 

Halo - Beyoncé


Kirstin and Avi pressed a small kiss to each other's lips before leaving the bus where their relationship had been permanently altered. They practically tip-toed towards the door. This wasn't necessarily a walk of shame, but they were intent on hiding this from the others, at least for now. Since everything was so brand new, they did not want to jinx anything. Kirstie left first. She planned to dash to her room and change out of yesterday's clothes, in attempt to avoid the suspicions of any prying eyes. Avi was told to wait a few minutes before following and doing the same. They only hoped the coast would be clear. 

Kirstin tip-toed to the front door, grabbing the key out of her back pocket. She quietly entered the house by slowly turning the lock, avoiding making anything more than a small clicking sound. When she turned around to quietly close the door behind her, she saw Scott and Mitch on the living room couch. She furrowed her eyebrows, confused at why they looked so dim and distant. She kept the door unlocked for Avi before walking into the living room, forgoing the second part of her original plan.

They were pensive, avoiding eye contact with her. They were sitting next to each other on the couch, but were both staring at the wall. Scott was leaned back to the right, clutching a throw pillow. Mitch was on the left, leaning forward and nervously fidgeting with his lips. Kirstie sat in the chair across from them. They glanced at her for a second, but then returned to their pensive state. She squinted at them, as if noticing something about their physical appearance could clue her into what was going on in their minds. She noticed nothing out of the ordinary there. 

"Boys!" She demanded.

They both looked over at her again, fidgeting in their seats at the sight. But, before holding any substantial eye contact they looked back away.

"Can I ask what's wrong?" She questioned, darting her eyes back and forth between the two.

"Chronic illness," Scott mumbled, looking at Mitch with curious eyes.

"What?" Kirstie asked. "How c-"

"Temporary illness," Mitch interrupted.

"What THE HELL are you talking about?" She baffled.

"Gonorhhea," Scott said in a questioning tone.

"Umm... Ok... what... I don't..."

"Herpes," Mitch again interrupted.

"Mitch!!!" Kirstie scoffed.

They continued.





"STOP!" Kirstie shouted once she finally got the hint.

Her yell was so startling, that she spooked Avi during his sneak-in. He was just about to turn the knob to come inside when he heard her yell. He peeked through the window and saw them all seated in the living room. He chose to cautiously climb up to his bedroom window, tripping a few times on the way up. He thanked his lucky stars that he had left the window unlocked for once.

"Ok, ok. I get it. I'm Scott, I'm Mitch and together we like to annoy the hell out of our best friends," she parodied. "I get what you're doing. But, like why? WHY are you being so fucking serious? Did you have a psychotic break in the span of 12 hours?"

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