Chapter Eight

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A/N: Ya'll can judge me all you want for this song choice, it actually fits this chapter on multiple levels. Enjoy!!

Somewhere – Johnny Green, Marni Nixon, West Side Story Orchestra 


When they awoke the next morning, everyone was in a gloomy haze. Still, they were determined to begin their journey the moment sunlight filled the sky. Esther and Avi were the first ones to wake. After only a few minutes, they convened on Esther's bunk and looked through a road map to plan their complicated route. 

"I'm thinking it shouldn't take more than five hours, with all of these detours," Avi confidently decided.

"How do you know that?" She challenged.

"Don't you know how to use a map?" 

"Google Maps was invented for a reason," she joked, "and don't answer my question with a question." 

"Sorry," he mumbled. 

"Are you gonna be my right hand man, little brother?" 

"Maybe we can switch halfway through. I hardly got any sleep last night," he sighed. "I was hoping I could steal the couch and attempt to rest my eyes some more."

"The others will keep you up you know," she said. "I can't imagine them staying quiet for five hours."

Avi shrugged. They heard movement in the bunk across from them. Kirstie flipped onto her back, but it appeared that she was still in a deep sleep. What they didn't know was that she had been having a bad dream all night and still now it tortured her. In her dream, she sat on a boulder in the middle of an empty field. She could see an illuminated tree alone in the distance. It gave her the impression of being omniscient and sinister. When the giant oak swayed in the wind she could feel a chill vibrate through her spine. She could see a bird perched on one of its branches. It was small, only six inches or so. It had pale brown feathers, with a reddish tail. She thought it might have been a nightingale. She desired to hear it sing, in hopes that it would confirm her suspicion. She audibly begged it for a song, but it wouldn't oblige. It just nodded its head no. She closed her eyes and cried into her shaking hands. She just wanted to hear its beautiful song, that was all, but it denied her even that comfort. When she was done crying, she looked down and realized that she was now standing. Her heart nearly jumped out of her throat when she realized that she was under the oddly protective branches of the ghostly tree. The bird was directly in front of her and she knew that she was right about its species. Let me hear your song. Please, little bird. It looked her directly in the eyes and opened its bill, but no noise escaped its throat. She collapsed on the ground in tears. The dream repeated itself and she continued to fruitlessly beg for a sweet, melodic escape.

Scott and Mitch woke up at nearly the exact same time, Mitch first. In a sleepy state, he realized that Scott's arm was delicately wrapped around his waist and he was curled into Scott's side, practically on top of him. He did not know how or when they had gotten into this position, but he did not necessarily hate it. He had been awake for a few minutes, but he was far too comfortable to even consider moving a muscle. A small grin appeared on his face when he realized that he could clearly hear the sound of Scott's beating heart. It was soothing and the pulse nearly lulled him back to sleep. When Scott stirred, Mitch warily looked up at his friend's tired, puzzled eyes. They didn't say a word, instead just awkwardly unraveled from their seemingly intimate position. Mitch stretched before swiftly hopping off of the bunk. Scott followed, not without Avi and Esther giving him "knowing" glances. He ignored their looks, while he and Mitch headed straight for the kitchen. Before they even considered getting anything to eat for themselves, they gathered a tray of food for Kirstie. That was something they had decided on doing last night. They missed her usual presence and were hoping that she would be more like herself after she had some more rest. 

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