>>23<< | "Stop Calling her"

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Rose's POV

I had just finished the show and I was sweating like crazy. The show had went amazing , a few of us messed up the choreography a few times, but otherwise it was great.

As I walked off stage David handed me a water that was ice cold. I quickly downed the water and threw it into a near by trash can.

"That show was lit as fuck." Trevor spoke swinging his arm around my shoulder.

I laughed and agreed with him , as we made it back to our dressing rooms. I plummeted down onto the soft couch and reached over to grab out of the bowl of sour patches provided . Gabbie and Lia filed into the rooms also.

"On a scale of 1-10, how tired are you?" Gabbie asked with a sinister smile on her face. By that look I knew Gabbie was up to something.

"I'd say a good 9." I shrugged thinking about how much I needed to go to bed.

"Dammit Rose." Lia cursed throwing her head back.

"What?" I laughed sitting up from my current slouched position. What the fuck was wrong with getting a little sleep?

"Bitch were tryna party." Tyler walked in with a big red bow clipped in his hair.

"Honestly, what the hell is that?" Lia asked pointing out the obvious.

"Hoe its my fleekness." He spoke flipping his non-existent hair over his shoulder.

"So , Rose are you in?" asked Issa entering the room with Troye following close behind him along with Liza.

I thought for a bit before answering. I needed to get out and have a drink , I felt like it was one of those days where I just needed to clear my mind....with vodka. I was now single and I needed to act single. I knew that part of me still hadn't healed from the break-up , and I knew that alcohol wasn't the best way, but its not bad to need a drink every once in a while , right? I just couldn't help but wonder how this would all blow up. I then quickly shook the thoughts from my mind. I was going to go. I hadn't had a good night in a while.

"Yeah , I'm coming for sure." I answered immediately getting up to hit the showers. They had explained to me that on tour we had very few nights that we could go out and party , so when we got them that we should always take advantage.

"Okay Bitches, lets get this shit popping." Lia spoke snapping her fingers as everyone moved to prepare for the golden night out.


Here most of us sat, crammed in a limo with four body guards , everyone was excited and loudly associating. All of the girls but Chachi and Liza went. Liza was underage and Chachi was staying because she had to film a video. Issa also had a video to film.

All of the boys went , Trevor was underage , but in his words he says he just like a 21 year old man , so given we all just let him come. I sat in the limo with a cup of champagne and a tight dress on that accentuated my curves. My hair was spirally curled and I was wearing high heels.

Most of the other girls had dressed up just as I had, we had decided the color of the night was black and gold. Most agreed and some didn't , but half of us didn't really give a fuck.


We eventually arrived at the club and it was quite full. The sign to the club read:

The Best Gay Club Around!

Trevor had used a fake ID to get into the club and it weirdly worked.

"I'm telling you guys, this bitch is a life saver." he spoke as we laughed.

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