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Oh my fucking god I can't believe we haven't updated in MONTHS. I feel like shit wow.

I honestly can't even give you guys an excuse, I haven't done a lot this summer to keep me from writing. Tbh I've just been focused on my own works on my personal (LawleyPopIsBae ) and I've just haven't come up with something to happen in the next chapter of this book.

As for Niya, I don't know what's going on with her 😂. We both came up with a storyline we want to go through with but we haven't figured out a way to execute that idea. So we'll have to figure that out BUT ITS HER TURN TO UPDATE SO TALK TO HER ABOUT IT 😂😂😂 Its_Only_Niyajaya

School's starting in less than a week and we seem to work better when we're on a schedule like that, so hopefully we'll continue the Friday/Monday updates once we get back to school. I'm dreading it already IM STARTING HIGH SCHOOL FUCK MY LIFE.

okay that's all for now, I was just thinking about how we basically abandoned this book and I wanted to say sorry so yeah.

See you hoes soon (hopefully)

Love, Maddie 🤷🏻‍♀️

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