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Makana's POV

It was the mid-day and most of us had been relaxing and laying by the pool. Jc and I were sharing a chair with me sitting on his lap. He tried teasing me by running his hands up and down my legs, but I wasn't giving in. I wanted to torture him and it was working.

I looked around at everyone. Kian and Rose were sitting together and looked like they were having fun. They were laughing at whatever they were talking about and kept each other close. It made me really happy that they were happy again, but after what I saw last night, I was scarred for life. I love them, but they should at least lock the door when they get to third base.

I saw Luke glaring at them and I rolled my eyes. He seriously needs to get over his little crush. He's making this tour really awkward by playing his heartbreak songs and getting in stupid fights with Kian. Everyone just wants him gone by now.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lia staring at me. Not staring, glaring. I gave her a questioning look but she just turned her head.

What was that about?

"You okay, babe?" Jc asked me as his hands moved from my thighs to my waist.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm perfect." I said and leaned back into his chest.

"That you are, baby girl." He said, burying his face in my neck. I chuckled and intertwined our fingers together. I really, really like this boy. Like a lot.

I looked back at Lia and she stood up in a huff and stomped away.

What the hell is wrong with her?


"Hey, Rose, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked her. We were sitting backstage after the show and Lia was avoiding me. It was like every time she saw me with Jc, she got all mad and upset. I know that he's her ex, but she told me that she was over him and that she was okay with us dating. I guess she isn't, maybe I broke the girl code.

"Yeah, sure." She said and got off of Kian's lap. We walked to the bathroom and shut the door behind us. "What's up?" She asked.

"It's Lia," Once I said that, she looked like she knew something about it. "I don't know what's up with her, she's acting like she hates me. Do you know why?" I asked her.

She sighed and nodded, "Yeah, it's about Jc."

"I knew it, I knew she wasn't okay with dating her ex!" I whisper yelled to myself.

Rose shook her head, "That's not entirely what she's upset about." She said.

"Well, then, what is it?" I asked her. Lia and I have been friends for a couple years now, I hope we don't loose our friendship over a guy.

"I promised I wouldn't tell her." She said with a guilty look in her eyes.

I groaned and whined, showing my protest to her. "Come on, Rose, I need to know!"

She let out an exasperated sigh but gave in anyway. "Fine, she has feelings for Jc."

What the actual fuck. They've been broken up for so long, she seemed like she moved on completely. Oh my Jesus, I'm dating my friend's ex and she likes him. "Did she tell you this?" I asked Rose.

She nodded, "Yeah, a while ago."

"How long ago?" I asked.

"About a month." She said and looked down at the floor.

I sighed and thought about her behavior the past month. She would leave the room unexpectedly, especially when Jc was there. Whenever him and I were close, she would look really upset. How did I never pick up on it? I'm such a bad friend.

"It's not your fault, Mac." Rose spoke.

"No, it is. She's been acting sad for weeks and I didn't even notice because I was too busy fucking her ex." I said quietly, progressively getting angry at myself.

"Mac, don't say that." She said and gave me a sympathetic look. "You didn't know. Hell, I don't even think she knew until she told me."

"That doesn't matter, I should've paid more attention to what was going on." I said and then stormed out of the bathroom. I knew I was acting on my emotions, but I needed to do this. I walked back to where everyone was sitting and went over to Lia. "I need to talk to you." I said to her.

She looked like she was about to protest, but when I gave her a serious look, she stood up and went with me to the hair and makeup room. She didn't look happy, and that's an understatement. "I'm guessing Rose told you?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, Lia, why didn't you tell me?" I asked her and she just looked down at her shoes. "I feel really bad about this, how can I fix it?"

She shook her head, "You can't." She whispered. "Don't worry, this is all me. I won't make it a big deal and you guys can be happy and all that shit."

"Lia," I said firmly, "This is a big deal. Do you want me to stop dating him?"

"No, you're happy together, I can't ruin that. I'll just move on and you won't have to worry about it." She said and then raced out of the room. I sighed, drama consuming my entire body at this point. How could I not worry about it?

I walked back out to where everyone was and saw that Lia wasn't there anymore. I sat next to Jc and he smiled at me while giving me a worried look. "What was that, babe?" He asked me.

I huffed, "I'll tell you later."


When Jc and I got to our hotel room, he was practically begging me to tell him about what happened backstage. Finally, I gave in and decided to tell him about Lia. We sat down on our bed and he held my hand softly, giving me comfort.

"It's about Lia." I started. "She still has feelings for you."

His face fell and he looked confused. "Wait, what?" He said in a shocked tone.

"I know, it's crazy." I whispered. "I think you should talk to her." I told him.

"Yeah, I-uh, probably should." He said and ran his hand through his curly hair. "Are you alright?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"Not really, I feel like a bad friend. I've been parading our relationship around and she's been miserable." I looked down at my hands in my lap.

"Mac, it's okay." He lifted my chin up with his fingers. "You didn't do anything wrong."

But I did, I didn't notice how sad she was. I wasn't making it easy on her, either. I was practically shoving my relationship in her face without knowing it.

As my thoughts consumed me, silent tears fell down my cheeks. In the next moment, Jc wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. I sobbed into his shirt and hugged him back.

"Baby, don't cry." He whispered into my ear as he rubbed my back. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out."

I really hoped that we would. I either loose my friend or my boyfriend, and I don't want to loose either of them.


Hey, guys, it's Maddie. 🤙🏻💓

It's been forever since this book has been updated and I'm really sorry, so is Niya. School is ending and we've had so much going on. I moved to a new house, Niya had track, I was sick, and we have so much shit going on at school. But summer is coming up in just two weeks so we'll get back on schedule then and update every Monday and Friday. 👌🏻❤️

How do you feel about this love triangle? ❤️🔼

Sincerely, Maddie.

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