Timeless ~Klance

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Lance accidentally goes forward in time and realizes things are a lot different in the near future, especially Keith ;)


"Can I touch it?"

"No, Lance." Allura said firmly, lifting the object out of his reach. "This is a very powerful, very dangerous Altean Object."

Coran leaned forward, inspecting it. A frown touched his lips. "I thought Alfor destroyed it."

The Princess's facial expression tightened at the mention of her father, and she hugged the object closer to her chest. It appeared to be a round, silver, sphere, about as big as a bowling ball only apparently much lighter. A strange Altean symbol was etched into the top.

"Timeless." Pidge muttered.

"What?" Lance asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Timeless. That's what the symbol means, right, Princess?" The green paladin asked, unsure if she was correct or not. Allura smiled and nodded, pleased that at least one of them was making an effort to read Altean. Pidge smiled back.

Keith huffed and crossed his arms. "Timeless, great. That definitely tells us what this thing is for."

"What does it do?" Shiro said, giving Keith a look and very skillfully translating his words from Jerkish to English.

"Yeah, have some manners, Keith." Lance smirked.

"Shut up."



Allura silenced them with a look, and lifted the object into better light. "It's exactly what the name means; timeless. It has no sense of past, present, or future -- it can transport you to a different time."

Lance gaped. That was so cool! If he wanted to, he could use that thing to go back in time, slap Keith in the face, and then come back before the guy even knew what hit him. Or, he could go back and find the guy who invented math. He would slap that guy in the face, too, in honor of all the kids who had ever suffered over homework.

"Lemme see, Allura!" He cried, reaching for it.

"Absolutely not." The Princess sniffed.

"Aw, come on!"

"Once again, I'm the voice of reason." Hunk sighed, "Messing with time is dangerous! What if you created an alternate timeline?

Lance paused, thinking that over. "Oh. That would be... "

"Bad?" Pidge suggested.


"No, Lance, that would be bad." Keith snapped.

Lance rolled his eyes, making a pouty face and mimicking in a high pitched voice, " 'That would be bad.' "

Keith whirled, his eyes blazing. He pointed an angry finger at Lance and started yelling something about being annoying, immature, and needing to grow up. The blue paladin only smirked and made a face back. It always went like this; Mr. Grumpbag would angry, loose his cool, and start yelling, and Lance would remain calm and reply by sticking his tongue out or wiggling his ears. This always got Keith even more mad and then they just snowballed.

"Hey, enough, guys. Don't argue over stuff that won't matter tomorrow." Shiro interrupted. "Right now, our biggest concern is destroying this thing before it causes any trouble."

"Thank you, Shiro." Allura said.

"Yes, destroying this is a nessecity. It has a history of... 'Shizing things up,' as you say on earth." Coran said matter-of-factly.

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