Embarrassing Fears ~Keith

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Keith wasn't really sure how the others found out. Well, he was, he had been there, but he wasn't sure why it had happened or how he had let it get so far. Then again, he had had no control. He couldn't stop them from figuring out one of his biggest fears.

Yes, everyone, Keith Kogane was afraid of sharks.

Of course, there are two kinds of fears: the ones about loosing everyone and everything you love, and the simpler ones, such as spiders, snakes, the dark, etc. Keith's just happened to be sharks.

It was just something about them that he couldn't handle. The teeth that seemed to, well, jut out of the fish's mouth, paired with the gaping, wide maw, beady little eyes, huge bodies, and the awful stories he used to hear... He used to sleep with the light on until he was fourteen because he always imagined a huge shark swimming through the air and eating him.

It was lame, he knew. But it was true. That being said, he was in space now, right? He didn't have to see or hear anything about them while he was here. 

Um, you thought. 

Keith was seated in the cafeteria, picking at some green space goo that resembled lunch. It didn't taste all too bad if you could get past the smell. Allura walked into the room, holding a large box in her hands. 

"Guess what I found!" She said excitedly.

"What?" Lance asked, with matched enthusiasm. He was always eager to have something in common with the princess to make her happy, even if in the end, she still didn't see him as anything more than a colleague. The guy was desperate, to be honest. 

"These are a whole load of old Altean science journals I found in the lab! They've got all of our old studies on biology, animal and plant science, bread- "

"You did science experiments on bread?" Hunk raised an eyebrow.

"Of course. The Alteans are very prestigious people."

Keith rolled his eyes and busied himself with his food. Did he have time for training after this before chores? He really needed to get in some extra hours.

"These are actually kinda cool, Princess." Shiro flipped through the pages of one of the journals.

"Kind of?" Pidge squealed, "These are absolutely amazing! This one is all about the reactions of hydrogine mixed with bioflaxted midazolam, this one is about gaseous heat in different areas of space, and this one... 'The properties of yeast in bread making.'" She paused. "Well, it's still cool."

Lance dug through the box, and picked up a blue journal. He scanned the pages. "Wow, this one has all sorts of sea creatures from different water planets. Hey, Hunk, did we see any of these that one time when we got captured by the hypnotic water lady?"

"I think so. And the Queen had been hypnotized, too, Lance."

"Whatever. Hey, Keith, look at this."

Lance thrust the book at his face. Keith looked up from his plate, and directly into the picture of a huge, black, tough looking fish with a wide mouth, six rows of bloody teeth (two rows were actually on the outside of the mouth, almost like spiky lips) dull, grey eyes, and a spiked fin on its back. It was literally like a great white had had sex with a goblin shark and then the offspring started using steroids.

Keith jumped and turned his head away. "Crap, Lance!"

The blue paladin cocked his head to the side, confused, but then smirked. "What's wrong, Keith? Don't like sharks?"

"No, I just... The book smells like dust. Allergies." He lied.

"Then you won't mind if I just put it right where you can see it?"

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