Leave Me Alone ~Galra Keith

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Keith buried the blade of his bayard deep inside the practice dummy, spearing it through the head. R-r-r-riiip! The head tore off the cloth body, falling to the floor.

"Why don't you do that on the battle sequence droid?" Lance asked.

"Because we're not supposed to break it. These are dissposable. The droid isn't." Keith answered gruffly, attacking the arms and legs.

"Are you sure you aren't just saying that because you know the droid is stronger than you?" Lance smirked.

Keith lowered his bayard and gave the blue paladin a glare. "I'm on level seven with that thing. That's even higher than Shiro."

"Nah, he hit seven earlier this morning. And I'll be there by tomorrow."


"If you're so tough, then come prove it." Lance teased.

Keith's grip on his bayard tightened as anger started to roll around in his stomach. Without another word, he strode into the main training deck, leaving the cloth dummies behind. He wasn't about to stand down to Lance of all people.

"Begin training sequence." He said loudly.

The feminine robotic voice echoed throughout the large room. "Beginning training sequence. Please state your current training level."

Keith was about to say 'level seven,' but Lance cut him off, saying, "Level nine!"


"You said you could beat it."

"That's a whole two levels above me-!" Keith hissed. Lance only shrugged, raising his eyebrows in the direction of the droid.

The droid sped forward, moving twice as fast as it normally did. Its blade swished downward in a swift downward stroke. Keith parried, but only just in time.

He attempted to twist tell handle of his bayard to disarm the droid, but it pulled back its free hand and punched him square in the jaw. Keith swore and stumbled backwards, stars forming in his vision. The droid lunged.

Thrust, block, turn, parry... Everything was a blur. There was so much movement going on that he was doing all defense, no attacks of his own. His stamina was fading fast.

The droid kicked out its foot, catching it behind Keith's legs and sweeping forward. Keith's feet fell out from under him.


The air was knocked from his lungs as he slammed into the ground. A large gasp escaped his lips as he struggled to breathe. Keith tried to scramble to his feet, but the droid kicked his sword away, and lowered the dull point of its own fake blade at his throat.

"Begin next training sequence?"

"End training sequence." Keith huffed.  Behind him, Lance started chuckling.

"Begin next training sequence?"

"I said end the sequence!" He cried irritably.

Lance laughed as the droid got off of Keith and returned to its original position in the center of the room. "I thought you said you could beat it?"

"It was level nine! Can you beat level nine?"

"I could have done a better job than you."

Keith's hands curled into fists, and he stomped his foot. "That was cold, Lance. Completely unfair and you know it."

"You know what my mom used to sat to my big brother?" Lance drawled, " 'Don't talk the big talk if you can't walk the big walk.' "

"This is different!"

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