Meeting The Previous Paladins ~Paladins

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Allura's POV

Allura paced through the training deck nervously, unsure if what she was about to do was a good idea. If all went as planned, hopefully the paladins would have better bonds with their lions. If it didn't... Well, hopefully everyone would recover.

She had called the paladins to the training deck for a very specific reason; one that scared her. She was going to introduce the team to the paladins who had come before them.

The five paladins walked into the training deck together, each one looking interested and surprised that Allura had called them together so randomly. Allura smiled; they reminded her so much of the paladins of old that he often forgot they weren't the same.

"What's going on, Princess?" Hunk asked.

"Do we have to fight more bad guys?" Pidge piped up

Allura shook her head. "No, I've called you hear for what I hope will turn out to be a bit more pleasant."

"Okay," said Shiro, "What is it?"

Allura steadied her breath, squaring her shoulders. "Do you remember how I was able to store my father's old memories inside the ships's systems, and use it to create a projection of him I could talk to?"

"Yeah," said Lance, "You deleted his memories when the castle started acting all crazy."

"Yes. However, it has been brought to my attention that my father was not the first to do this. There were others, four others besides himself who did it as well." She said, taking a deep breath, "They were the paladins of old, the ones who piloted the lions before you."

It got very quiet. Keith and Shiro exchanged a confused glance. Lance just looked stunned.

Allura herself could feel her heart hammering in her chest. The paladins all looked nervous and on edge, except for Pidge, who seemed unable to understand why everyone looked so tense. She crossed her thin arms over her chest.

"I don't see why everyone's acting so weird. I've always wanted to meet the paladin who came before I did." Pidge said, "Won't this be cool?"

"But these people died, Pidge. Once we talk to them, we can't unhear whatever they say. What if they tell us something we wish we could forget?" Keith said.

"I don't want to get attached to someone who doesn't exist." Hunk added nervously.

"Just a few minutes each, please." Allura pleaded, "I don't know why, but I have a feeling this will help you bond with your lions if you know their old paladins. Also... I feel like I owe this to my father."

Lance kicked at the ground with his foot. "King Alfor was the paladin of the blue lion, and you deleted his memory. Plus, we all know who used to pilot the black lion."

"I don't want to have a face to face chat with Zarkon, Princess." Shiro said tiredly.

"You'll be talking to the old versions of them. They'll be different. Please, paladins." Allura begged.

The paladins all turned to each other, communicating with only the looks on their faces. Pidge seemed like she was still eager to try it. Hunk looked two seconds away from throwing up or crying. The other three had guarded expressions that Allura couldn't read.

Finally, Shiro spoke.

"We'll do it."


Shiro's POV

Shiro stepped into the AI room where Allura used to speak to her father, pretending he didn't feel like he was going to have a heart attack. He clenched his fists at his sides. He did this for Allura, and no one else.

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