Stranded ~Keith and Lance

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In which Keith is stranded on a planet filled with only frozen tundra, blizzards, and freezing wind, while Lance ends up on a desert planet with sweltering heat, poisonous creatures and plants, and burning sand.

WARNING: This is a very long oneshot. However, I think it may be my best work, so it could be worth it if you read until the end, or maybe just do a little at a time until you're finished. Please and thank you :)


Keith's Point of View

"What's wrong, Red?" Keith asked his lion as the two of them flew through space with the other paladins. The castle was just within sight, surrounded by a fast moving asteroid belt. Was the energy coming from the space rock messing with his lion's receptors or something? A strange light had popped up on one of the screens, and the controls were acting sensitive and uncontrollable. 

"What's going on, Keith?" Hunk's voice came through the audio receiver in Keith's helmet. He sounded weird, his voice layered with static and buzzing. 

"I don't know. Something's wrong with my lion." He answered, frowning.

"I hate to agree with you, Mullet, but something's up with my lion, too. Blue's acting all weird." Lance said. 

"It might be the asteroid belt interfering with your controls, especially after the battle we just went through. You both took several hits and I'm concerned with the welfare of both your lions." Pidge told them. "Maybe... When w- the castle... With Coran?"

Her voice was interrupted with a series of buzzing and popping noises. 

"I can't hear you." Keith said, starting to feel slightly worried.

"Just hang tight until we get back to the castle." Shiro told them, "We'll fix the problems you're having and... Tomorrow... Be ready- planet... "

"I can't hear you guys!" Lance said grumpily.

"Just avoid the asteroids until we get back to the castle, Lance." Keith groaned. Couldn't the guy put two and two together, or was he actually an idiot?

"That's the freaking problem, Mullet. My controls are acting up, and so are my receptors. You're the only one I can hear right now- Watch out!"

"What the quiznak?"

It was too late.

Keith tried to swerve out of the way, but Red wasn't responding. The controls didn't act in time for him to get out of the way of a giant, rocky asteroid. By the time his controls registered the command, the thing was nearly on top of him, and all he managed to do was drive himself further into it.

The red lion made a series of groaning noises; the machinery and metal being strained as it tried to fight against the rock, but the gravitational pull was too strong. The asteroid was moving so fast that Red was immobile; think of those gravity rides at the fair that keep you pinned to walls.

"Keith!" Lance shouted.

"Back up, Lance. Lance!" Keith cried angrily. The blue lion charged forward, smashing into the giant rock, making as if to break it. "What are you doing?"

"Setting you loose!"

"You're going to get us both killed! What the hell- Get out of the way!

But Lance didn't hear him. What with all of the smashing into rocks, static in the audio sensors, as well as the frantic voices of their teammates cutting in and out, the blue paladin was completely unawares of the other asteroid that came spiraling towards him. It hit him dead on, and sent Keith flying into an opposite direction. 

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