Playing Scary Video Games ~Paladins

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Surprisingly enough, the castle wasn't all weapons, training, defense systems, and particle barriers that protected people for litterally half a second. It actually had a pretty nice gaming system. And when everyone had finished training, chores, and there was no missions to go on (all of which were very rare), those who were interested could play it.

"Allura, could I go on the gaming system?" Pidge asked after clearing her plate.

"No fair, you always get it!" Lance objected. There was no multi player setting, and this often caused some arguments.

"No, you got it last time. Besides, I play better than you do. You're too reckless."

"Are not!"

"Are, too." Hunk said, also clearing off his plate.

Lance looked like he was going to start whining again, but Allura raised her hands and a gesture of calm. A quick glance rendered everyone quiet.

"Has everyone finished their personal training and regulation chores?" She asked, sounding like a mom. Everyone quickly said yes, except for Keith, who always pretended he wasn't interested in video games even though everyone knew he was.

"Yep!" Pidge said.

"Then yes, you may play. You did get to go last time, Lance." The Princess added, upon seeing the look on the blue paladin's face.

Shiro shook his head. "I don't understand what's so interesting about those things. If you need me I'll be in the training deck." He left the table and bade everyone goodnight, walking from the room.

Meanwhile, everyone who hadn't finished eating already shoveled the rest of their food in their mouths and put their dishes in the sink. Even if they didn't always exactly get to play, it was still somewhat entertaining to watch. They raced to the lounge area, where Pidge had already set up the system.

A holographic screen had appeared in front of the couch, about twice the size a regular flat screen. Pidge held the Altean controller (a white device with two handle grips, much like an X-Box controler, only it was much more slender and had a couple more buttons), and was sitting on the couch, going through all the possible games. Alteans games were pretty much just small chips that you pushed into the controller. The controler would project whatever game it was onto the big floaty screen.

"We haven't tried this one yet." She said, holding up a small black cartridge.

"Why's it black?" Keith asked, "Most Altean stuff is white or blue."

"Maybe it's a scary game." Lance said a in a dramatic spooky voice.

"A what now?" Asked Hunk nervously.

Pidge ignored him and popped the cartridge into the little slot on the left side of the controler. Instantly, the empty screen came to life.

It portrayed the castle (which wasn't surprising, most Altean video games took place in old landmarks from Altea) only it looked different. It was darker, rusted over, with broken light fixtures. The screen flickered creepily.

"Ohhhh-kay," Hunk said, "This is definitely a horror game."

"Hit 'okay.' " Keith said.

"First off, I know how to play a video game, Keith," said Pidge, "And second off, that's Altean for 'begin.' "


Pidge left the title screen, and the game started. It was in first person view, so it was just as if she was walking through the castle's main hall. A quiet, haunting melody started to play.

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