Chapter Thirteen| Take Me Dancing, Get Me Fucked Up

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“So, Alex was wondering if you and Park were interested in partying tonight.”

From the hood of Parker’s car, I shift to look over to Motley who lays against the hood of his Jeep. The 7-Eleven parking lot is quiet around us, the only other car, on the opposite side of the lot, belonging to the cashier. Inside, Parker approaches the counter placing the drinks that were tucked under his arm onto the counter before pointing over the cashiers shoulder to the cigarette display.

I turn my head to the right, finding Motley gazing at the last of the pink and red sky, drumming his fingers against his leg. He raises his eyebrows when he catches my lingering gaze. “You in?” He asks and I shrug at him, resting my head back against the wind shield.

“Sure. I guess.”

The last party I went to, Noel had dragged me along with her. Noel wasn’t much of a partier, not a fan of drinking or smoking, but she had been pining for the guy who had invited her. I went along as her ‘wing girl’, as she called it, and I watched as her dream of being with the guy who invited her circled the drain. After that, she refused to even talk about parties and she stopped going and stopped dragging me with her.

 “Do you know if Noel’s going?”

Motley tucks his hands behind his head. “Probably.”

I nod and sit up, hearing the soles of Parker’s boots hitting against the pavement. He smiles at me and hands the tall can of tea over to me, before hopping up on the hood and lighting a cigarette. “What are you two talking about?” He ask, the smoke slipping out with each word.

 Motley sits up, pulling his knees to his chest. “Alex invited us to a party, tonight.” Parker looks over to me and raises his brows as if to ask if I wanted to go. I nod as I lift the tab on the can, popping it open and taking a sip before answering.

“I’m up for it.” He nods and turns back to look at Motley.

“Did he tell you where it was at this time?”

Motley looks up and smiles. “Shocking, he did. It’s at that old house at the end of the beach. The ugly green one.”

Parker nods and hops of the hood, running a hand through his hair. “Do you want to go back to your house and change?” The question’s directed at me and I shake my head.

 “Nah, I’m pretty comfortable in this.” This cause Parker to smirk, winking at me as he takes a drag from his cigarette.

 “Yeah. About that. Why is Sable wearing your shirt, Parker.” Motley looks pointedly between Parker and I, he bad mood seemingly gone. Parker doesn’t answer, instead he looks at me with the same expression that Motley’s currently giving both of us.

I shake my head. “My dress got wet so I made him give me his shirt. Simple.”

 Motley smirks. “Is that what happened?” I nod my head and Parker laughs, lightly.

 “Get your mind outta the gutter, Motley.” He says, leaning against the side of the car.  Motley holds his hands up in defeat before shielding his mouth from me and whispering to Parker. “Just tell me later.” I grab the closed bag of chips from beside me and throw them over Parker’s shoulder at Motley’s head, laughing as he dodges the bag only to roll off the side of the hood.

 The smack of Motley’s Converse against the asphalt as he catches himself echos around us. He pops up from the ground, sticking his tongue out at me before opening the bag of potato chips and shoveling a handful into his mouth.

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