Our boy was really sick

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I write this only five days after the most terrible week had by all my family this week,it's been a scary and worrying time for everybody especially your poor mummy because my darling you were very poorly and still are quite poorly today.

Monday 6th march to be precise I had received a text from your mummy to say you weren't too good and that she thought you had a virus,she sent me two pictures of you which she always did I have tons of pics of you as she sends me them everyday and has from the day you were born,well these particular pictures I really didn't like,I didn't like how you looked on them I could tell something wasn't right,you were just lying on the sofa with a blanket mummy had covered you with and you had no colour in your cheeks like you always did.

So I messaged mummy saying I did not like the pictures as there was something not right,she agreed you were not your normal self and you seemed to be very weak and unable to stand up and you were very lethargic,she said she had rang a doctor and was waiting for a call back,as you know mummy is on the ball with you she looks after you so well and if she has any concerns she calls a doctor,one doctor from the number you can call if you have a query instead of ringing your actual doctors and over the phone he said it sounds like a virus,this without obviously seeing you to be able to say that.

Mummy knew it was more than a virus though it was that mothers instinct,and I had said to her that I had a feeling you would end up in hospital,it's a feeling I had just by seeing you lying so still I wasn't used to that child you were never still like that unless you were asleep,I have always had a sixth sense with you anyway so I put it down to that not to mention you look exactly as I did at your age and you have all of my ways strangely enough from when I was a child so yes we have always had a strong bond and connection so I knew something really was not right.

Mummy not happy with the diagnosis over the phone she called the doctors surgery for an emergency appointment and at teatime the same day she took you there,well by all accounts my love you were both in the doctors room and he checked you over and the next thing an ambulance was called but it would be fifteen minutes before it got there so a doctor who does emergency house calls in a car when an ambulance turns up raced to the doctors surgery and took you and mummy straight to accident and emergencyand you were seen too immediately.

It seems your blood sugar was dangerously high,twenty eight in fact and that's why the doctor rang an ambulance straight away,you were very poorly,after your bed being surrounded by doctors and nurses and a very scared mummy we were told you may have diabetes,now that in itself was a huge shock a real blow as you were only nearly two and a half years of age for goodness sake and no previous ill health except the asthma,your mummy called nannie in tears saying she could not get too you as the cubicle was full of doctors and nurses and there was no room for her and she was in complete shock,nannie called me and told me and my heart sank!,no this cannot be I was devastated as were the rest of the family.

The worse news possible came an hour later when nannie called me back,she said you had "Type 1 Diabetes"well I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach,I felt physically sick,I could not take it in,i kept saying type 1?how can he have type 1 diabetes???nannie just said I don't know she could not answer my question she was in shock and so upset,this healthy energetic happy child had the worst kind of diabetes you can get,I wanted to cry right then but I had to be strong for nannie but as soon as I got off the phone I cried like a baby.

I knew of type 2 diabetes because grandad has it and your great uncle and your great granny had it but I knew very little of type 1 so I straight away googled it I needed to be informed,my poor dear nephew is going to need insulin every day for the rest of his life,you are only nearly two and a half years old I still have not got my head around it,

You had gone into diabetic shock my love that is why you were just lying so still on the sofa at home,the doctor told mummy if you had not of got too the hospital when you did you would not of made it through the night,well that just scared the hell out of me,we could of lost you,but how did this happen?how does a healthy normal little child suddenly develop type 1 diabetes like this,the nurses sorted you out and the doctors and you were hooked up too all kinds of machines,you slept solidly for a good day or two,our poor baby,why him why now???

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