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Bruce Wayne AKA Batman POV

"Dick, it's me," I said and stepped towards his bed. Dick backed away and looked at me confusedly, "Why do you keep calling me Dick?" "It's your name," I stated calmly and watched his facial features to look for recognition. "It's my name?" He questioned. "Do you remember who you are? Where you are?" I asked him, nervous for the answer. He paused to think. Dick began to gasp for breath in a panic attack, "I...I...I d-don't...know!" I stepped in front of him, "Dick, my name is Bruce Wayne. I am your adoptive father." He looked up at me in fear before he fainted. I picked him up and took him to the Batcave. "Put him on a sedative. We don't want him waking until we can figure this out," I said and put on my costume. 

"Where are you going? What is Batman needed for while Master Dick is like this?" Alfred said accusingly. "Dick said that he had a flashdrive with everything that happened over the last four months since no one remembers it. I've got to see if anything happened that might have affected him," I said and took the Zeta Tube to the mountain.

"Batman? Do we have another mission? We were just about to leave to protect the Wayne Manor" Kaldur asked me. The team filed in. "No, I am just here to pick up something from Robin's room. Your mission is postponed until tomorrow," I said. "We do not wish to postpone if they are in danger," Kaldur stated. "You will not be needed. They are at the hospital. His son is having a serious brain aneurysm," I quickly went to Dick's room. "If I were Dick where would I hide something from me?" I muttered and looked around the room. The walls! I tapped the walls all around the room. Then I heard a hollow part. 

I punched my fist into the wall and pulled out a flashdrive. My gloved hand was covered in dust but that is alright. Quickly I went into the computer room and plugged it in. Then I fast forwarded through it all and watched.

Six Hours Later

Tears threatened to leave my eyes as I watched him die and fall limp on the table. I gasped and watched as Wally wracked with sobs and held his friend. Then I saw his electrical shock zap Dick. That's it! The shock! He must be having some side affects of it. It isn't permanent! All he needs is some medication and rest.

I told the team their mission is tomorrow and returned to the Batcave. "When Wally shocked him a few months ago it must have affected something. He just needs some medication and sleep," I said and sat beside Dick's bed. "Right away Master Bruce," Alfred said. 

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