happier [sad]

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pairing: philip shea x lukas waldenbeck
fandom: eyewitness
word count: 679
prompt: philip has a new boyfriend and lukas can't help but notice how the boy he loves is bubbling with happiness with someone other than him.

based on happier - ed sheeran / for semi_problematic  bc this is the fic she never wrote but wanted to


It was mutual. Those kinds of breakups exist, right? Am I delusional? The train of thought ran through Lukas's mind like a freight car, never leaving his head. He thought about the event on repeat, the slight glimmer of sadness evident in Philip's eyes. Lukas never understood what happened to make him break things off but he guessed some things just could never be answered.

He shoved his hands deeper into his pockets, hood of his jacket pulled over his eyes to shield some of the cold. He made the mistake of looking up and that's when he saw him. Philip Shea. Lukas shrinks back a bit, stepping behind the wall of the family-owned coffee shop. The smile on Philip's face made Lukas's heart ache in longing for the younger male. Once he sees that Philip is inside, he steps back around the wall and in front of the building. Lukas thinks about going in and just talking to him but it's cut short when he sees them together, a pair of arms wrapped around the love of his life that didn't belong to Lukas.

Maybe they're friends. A sliver of hope wiggles it's way into his mind only to have it shatter at the sight of lips joined together. It's been a month. One month and he's already with someone else? He begins to wonder exactly how long they've been together. Their smiles alone were bright enough to light up even the darkest caves. He knew he should have been furious watching his ex-lover move on with someone far more attractive and someone who seemed to treat Philip better than Lukas ever did, but he couldn't find it in himself to be mad.

He knew this day would come but he initially hoped that they would get back together. He lingered there for a few more moments until he could see that this was going nowhere. At the last moment, before he turned away he noticed the fear in Philip's eyes as he looked at him. Then Lukas registered what had happened, eyes widening.

He turns sharply and begins to walk away. From inside the shop, Philip pretended to be fine when Pete asked him about it a few seconds later. "I'm fine." He said, brushing it off for another second but excusing himself almost immediately after.

"Lukas?" The blonde turns around, trying to hide to the sheer pain he feels inside. "What are you doing here?"

"I just- um-" He is at a loss for words. Of course he couldn't tell him why he was actually there, that would sound creepy. 'Oh hey, you know. Just trying to find a way to bump into you casually to convince you to come back.' "I'm still in love with you." He lets out a breathy laugh and Philip looks taken back, trying to fight anything he still felt for the blonde because he had Pete who was just a few feet away. "And I know that it's selfish for me to tell you that when you're with someone else, I'm sorry."

"Lukas, you can't just come here and declare your love for me and expect everything to be fine. I have a boyfriend now, I'm sorry." Philip tried not to think about the water creating a sheath over his eyes, or the look of complete hurt in Lukas's eyes.

"You look happy with him, I'm really happy for you." Lukas said, kicking the ground as he spoke. But if he ever breaks your heart, you know where to find me." He offered a sad smile before turning and heading back down the road to where he parked his bike next to the Sheriff's station, trying to avoid the stinging in his eyes.



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