hate to love you [angst-ish/fluff]

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pairing: philip shea x lukas waldenbeck
fandom: eyewitness
word count: 981
prompt: philip thinks lukas doesn't feel anything for him anymore. lukas proves him wrong.

for semi_problematic, i'm sorry i couldn't find a good way to end it 😭


Somehow, three months had passed without either of them really noticing, blissfully wrapped up in each others company. They were enthralled by the others presence and it was intoxicating to just be in same room together. Until it wasn't.

Philip isn't exactly sure where he went wrong. He, in his defense, had been the perfect boyfriend to Lukas. He supported everything he did when it came to motocross and he waited for him to become fully accepting of their relationship. It seemed that they were taking baby baby steps.

They had only just gone out on their first real date. After enough groveling from Philip, Lukas had cave and agreed they should go out and Philip knew it was too good to be true when he saw them headed for the city that night.

It seemed to be getting worse, too. Lukas dodged Philip's calls and texts, they stopped meeting at their spot and Lukas never made eye contact with him at school anymore.

Until one day when Philip caught him staring. Time seemed to freeze at the other end of the hallway, Philip's cheeks burning hot at the sudden attention. The way Lukas' lips turned upward slightly almost fooled him but then he remembered what had been happening. He tugged his bag further up onto his shoulder, strap digging into his collar bone and he turned on his heels and sulked away, stance portraying anger when all he felt was numbness.

What happened to us, he wondered as he lifted himself up into Helen's Jeep at the end of the day, watching Lukas drive down the road. Helen tried to make polite conversation but Philip drowned it out for the most part, occasionally humming a response. He felt his mind arguing with itself while trying to decide to take a walk or stay in his room. He eventually decided on walk, shoving his phone into his jacket pocket with earbuds in his ears.

It comes as no surprise when he jumps two feet in the air when someone taps him on the shoulder. He pulls the headphones from his ears, turning abruptly. At first he assumes it's Helen or Gabe but he's sorely mistaken when he comes face to face with Lukas. "What do you want?"

"Are you mad at me?" Philip scoffs and spins away from him, shoving his hands back into his pockets.

"Is that supposed to be a joke? Do you seriously not know?" Behind him Lukas stopped to ponder what he could have done wrong, then realizing his faults and rushing to catch up with Philip.

"Okay, I can explain that but you gotta slow down." Much to his surprise Philip came to a complete stop, turning slowly to face his boyfriend, as if he could even call him that at this point. "I know what I did was wrong but you gotta believe me, it wasn't my idea. Rose and I were hanging out at her house and she got into her parents tequila. Long story short, she dared me to do some jumps while drunk and I ended up dislocating my shoulder. My bike was totaled."

"Okay first of all, you're a dumbass for doing that, drunk or not. And second, that's not evn what I'm talking about Lukas! The fact that you don't know why I'm upset is enough for me. Actions speak louder than words, you know." Philip had turned himself around again, facing Lukas fully in the middle of a dirt road about ten minutes past the Caldwell-Torrance home.

Lukas still looked dumbfound, looking up at the pale blue sky above them for help, as if Jesus Christ would come down and help him figure out what it is that he did wrong.

"Oh my God, Lukas. You may be able to see but you are the most oblivious person I have ever met. You've been dodging all of my calls and texts, you don't talk to me at school, you never want to meet at our spot anymore, and our first real date you took me to the city. I love the city as much as the next guy or gal but it's like you don't want to be seen with me anymore! So cut the shit, Waldenbeck, and tell me the truth right now or I walk away and we're done." Philip was furious by that point and Lukas had found the strength within himself to stay standing.

"Okay. The truth is that I--I think I'm... I might be... inlovewithyou." He rushed, almost as if he were afraid to let Philip know how he felt. Philip was sure he heard what he stammered out but not a hundred percent certain.

"I'm sorry?"

"I think I might be in love with you." Lukas said, slower than before and his breathing increased noticeably. Philip couldn't believe what he was hearing and so he refused to acknowledge it, scoffing, about to turn around when Lukas grabbed his arm preventing him from doing so. "You think I'm lying?"

"Wouldn't be the first time."

"Wow." Lukas let go of Philip's arm and decided to show Philip exactly how he felt and what he meant to him. Surging forward, Lukas captured Philip's mouth with his own, knocking the wind out of them both. Philip placed both hands at the base of Lukas' neck while the latter's hands made their way to the sides of Philip's face.

The way he felt was clear to Philip once they parted and Lukas beamed above him. Philip could only pull him back in for more, sinking into the warmth it brought him.

"You're such an idiot, I love you."

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