out in the open [fluff]

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pairing: philip shea x lukas waldenbeck
fandom: eyewitness
word count: 2,262
prompt: lukas is the only openly gay kid at red hook high school. he's got it all; friends, popularity, the beginnings of a great (future) career in motocross. and then comes philip shea. (murders? what murders?)

idea by -crying-


For the longest time, Lukas felt alone and scared. He had a huge secret and felt that he couldn't share it with anyone else. He had these terrible thoughts of being cast out as a reject by his friends, his father, and his sponsors. Society and a handful of others around the globe blew up the LGBT+ community in the worst possible ways. Lukas felt like he couldn't be himself, but if he was being completely honest, most of the fear he felt derived from his father.

Rose was the first person he told when he felt ready. It came as a shock at first, but when the overall shock set in, it had blown over faster than he'd expected. He'd soon after learned that news did, in fact, tend to travel fast. He'd told his remaining friends almoat immediately after Rose and by the end of the day, the whole school had eyes for him and only him it seemed. There were a few judgmental stares in the mix but that was to be expected.

The support, on the other hand, wasn't what he'd expected at all. Everyone who wasn't his friend already suddenly wanted to be in his life in any way possible. Most of the girls seemed to only want his friendship to say they had their own stereotypical 'gay best friend'. If any of them really knew Lukas, they would know that yes, he is gay but he wasn't going to be the guy to go around giving fashion advice and look at cute guys with you. Although he did enjoy that quite a bit.

Later that day, he had gone home feeling lighthearted, ready to tell his dad of his true identity. When he walked through the front door his dad was sitting in the living room, chin leaning into the palm of his hand.

"Hey dad." He said, unsure of the situation. Bo seemed disappointed.

"I just got the most interesting call from Susan, one of your classmates mothers. She felt that she should be the first to tell me that my son is gay and that she is happy for you."  Lukas shrunk back as Bo stood up, crossing the room the stand around the sink, holding a glass in his hand, setting it in the sink. "Why didn't you tell me?" He pointed an accusing finger toward Lukas, then lowering it after a few seconds.

"I was scared." Lukas replied after a few more seconds of silence, he felt the urge to cower but he stood strong, but refused to look Bo in the eyes. Bo's features soften when Lukas doesn't see it happen, slowly coming around the island and reaching a hand out to clap Lukas on the shoulder. He doesn't say anything and there's this lingering, awkward tension hanging in the air, but he rubs Lukas's back assuringly before walking out of the room, Lukas breathes out a sigh of relief.


A few weeks pass without the ground crumbling from beneath him. Lukas is in English too busy messing around on his phone to notice the bell ringing. The teacher clears their throat finally catching Lukas' attention.

"Good morning, everyone. Before we start class today I would like to take a minute to introduce our new student, Philip Shea. Please do whatever you can to make him feel welcome." Lukas looks up after shutting his phone off for the time being, mouth nearly falling open. Philip makes his way to an empty seat at the front of the room. Lukas noticed how he looked distraught, despair written all across his gorgeous features.

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