insomnia [fluff & maybe angst]

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pairing: philip shea x lukas waldenbeck
fandom: crywitness
word count: 1514
prompt: philip deals with trauma and lukas comforts him and bo finds them together the next morning


   To: Lukas
   Are you awake?

Philip sits up in his bed, shivering from the cold that spread  all throughout the house. He pulls his blanket up off the mattress and  around his shoulders waiting for a reply from Lukas. He wouldn't be  surprised if he got no answer at all, it was 2:18 in the morning. He  couldn't help but picture that night. The darkness of the cabin, the  shadows dancing on walls from the moon that shined through the window.  He can hear the gunshots as if he is still there and this has all been  some sick game his mind is playing on him. He sees the bodies drop to  the floor, one by one like dominoes. Philip remembers digging his face  into the crook if his arm trying the avoid being heard from his place  under the bed. His hopes went unfulfilled, of course, as he recalls the  steel barrel of the gun pointed right at him. He's gonna kill me. He's  gonna kill me. He's gonna kill me. He shifts on his bed, pulling his  legs up to his chest in the center of the mattress, body shaking now  from the stress with his face buried in his arms that rest over his  knees. Philip is pulled from his thoughts by the buzzing of his phone.

   From: Lukas

He begins typing a reply when a new message enters the conversation.

   From: Lukas
   Are you okay?

   To: Lukas
   Define okay.

   From: Lukas
   Alive. Breathing. Not dead.

   To: Lukas
   Not dead.. yet.

There's a lull in the room, no buzzing or sounds of harsh,  unsteady breathing and then the sound of typing fills the empty space.

   To: Lukas
   Can I come over?

Philip begins typing an explanation about how he'll be gone before Bo gets up but he's too late, his phone is already buzzing.

   From: Lukas

His heart begins to race as his eyes skim over the reply and he  rereads it about twenty times before he's convinced and moving toward his bedroom door, tiptoeing down the stairs and to the front door where  he picks up his shoes. He can't bring himself to think about how Helen  and Gabe are going to react when they find out he snuck out, too  concerned with making his way to Lukas'.

He's not sure how long  he's been walking by the time he arrives at the Waldenbeck house, all he  knows is that rain is pouring over him. He feels his phone buzz as he  reaches the bottom step of their front porch.

   From: Lukas
   Door's unlocked.

Philip nods to himself, wondering to himself if this could  possibly be a setup, if Bo would be on the other side if the door with a  shotgun ready. Shotgun. Then, the ringing in his ears occurs again and  he can't think straight. He's turning the doorknob without thinking  about it and stepping inside. A cool breeze blows the hair from his eyes  and he is made aware of his surroundings again, toeing of his shoes and  tiptoeing through the kitchen. He finds the stairs behind a wall,  silently walking their length and he finds Lukas awake, laying on his  bed without a shirt.

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