butterflies (fluff [oito pt. 2])

869 23 6

pairing: philip shea x lukas waldenbeck
fandom: eyewitness
word count: 1561
prompt: follow up to 'out in the open' where philip and lukas go on a date.

for semi_problematic (aka my biggest stan)


Philip felt giddy standing in front of the bathroom mirror, reorienting his hair a bit after finding pieces out of place and fixing his shirt. He flattened it, tugging on the sleeves of his jacket. He wondered briefly if he should change his shirt, suddenly regretting his choice of cologne then the sound of an engine turning into the drive sent his heart into a panic. "Shit, shit, shit, shit." He prayed that Lukas would stay outside.

Downstairs, Helen peeked through the curtains and noticed the familiar teen walking up the path, hands clutched together tightly, and up the porch steps. She stepped over to the door and threw her hands up in surrender when Gabe sent her a look that said 'be nice'. Lukas barely got the chance to knock before Helen swung the door open and propped herself against the doorframe.

"Can we help you with something?" Helen asked, smirking openly when she witnessed Lukas gulp visibly.

"N-No, I mean yes, ma'am. I'm here for, um, Philip." The teen stammered and Helen's smirk grew wider. Gabe stepped in next, opening the screen door causing Helen to move out of the way.

"Come on in, son." Lukas smiles awkwardly as he enters, not having much experience with dating or the 'meet the parents'—or in this case foster parents—portion of it. It was a little overwhelming to say the least. Once inside, Lukas tried to relax to the best of his ability but he could feel Helen's gaze burning into him as he stood in the doorway. He was really just trying to avoid eye contact.

"So, Lukas," Helen began, taking a seat at the kitchen table where she could still watch Lukas attentively. "what are your intentions for my boy?"


"–Because, as you know, as the sheriff I own a gun." Helen cocked her head to the side, gaze narrowed with a slight nod. "I think we all know what that means." Lukas nodded, hesitant but quick, and broke eye contact with the Sheriff, looking anywhere he could. Everyone's focus immediately turned to the stairs when they creaked signifying that someone was coming down.

Philip trudged down the stairs, half of him expecting to see Helen and Gabe sitting in the living room watching whatever show was on TV. He was significantly startled when he noticed Lukas standing in the doorway, clad in a long sleeved t-shirt and jeans, grinning like idiot. "You're here early." He teased softly, not moving from the stairs, feeling like his feet were caught in concrete

"I guess I was excited." Lukas took a small step forward, weary of Helen watching him, even after Gabe came in and began to usher her out of the room.

"Maybe we should give these two some privacy." He'd whispered. Lukas took a few more steps toward  the younger teen. Philip found the strength to lift his feet and move forward a bit, stopping when they were a good foot apart.

"We should, uh, probably get going," Lukas said, corners of his lips still pulled back in a grin as he spoke. Philip nodded in agreement, following Lukas to the door.

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