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The intermittent sound of machines beeped around her in the deep and dark subconscious of her mind. Regan had no idea where she was or what was going on. All she knew for sure that it was dark and she wasn't afraid. She was more at peace. Her body was still and her mind was clear. There was no telling what had happend. All she knew was that she was ready to go to sleep just like Prince had asked her. She was almost certain that she was going to wake up and see his face but when she opened her eyes life around her was black. It never came to bother her because it gave her a happiness and peace that she's never felt before and she loved it. Although it confused her a little there was a dim light that grew brighter behind her. Regan didn't turn around however because the warmth against her back was comforting and she didn't want to lose that happy emotion that she longed for. Regan knew exactly why she was feeling that warmth and a smile grew from her lips and she for the first time spoke without having to see what was going on behind her.

"Daddy?" She called as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"Yes my sweet little mouse." The deep voice replied behind her as a hand was place gently on her left shoulder.

Regan turned around and faced the man she had missed since she was a little girl. When she saw his face she felt as if she had just seen him the day before he went off to war. He was dressed in his army fatigues and wore a huge smile on his face as he stretched his arms out wide to her.

"Come here little girl and give your old man a hug." He said with a hint of a laugh in his voice.

Regan wasted no time and like a small child she ran into his strong and loving arms and hugged him so tightly that she swore that she was hurting him.

"Daddy i've missed you so much!" She weeped softly into his chest.

The smell of his cologne overwhelmingly filled her senses with joy and she was never more happy to hug the first man she had ever loved just one more time. It was like he was never going to leave her again the longer she held on.

"I've missed you more baby girl. I just have one question for you sweetheart." He said to her as they began to finally break their embrace.

"What's that?" She aked him confused.

"Why are you here?"

Regan's stunned look on her face was more than her father bargained for and he let out a deep sigh. He knew that he had to explain what was going on because she was unaware that she had passed away in her sleep.

"I want you to prepare yourself for what i'm about to show you right now. This may be more painful watching than it was to live it."

Regan took a deep breath and closed her eyes and with the wave of her father's hand images of Regan laying in her mother's bed with Prince laying behind her appeared before her very eyes. What she saw made her heart shatter into a billion pieces. Prince was holding her tightly sobbing uncontrollably. Regan's eyes began to rush tear after broken hearted tear down her face and an unintentional gasp left her body as she slowly raised her hand to her face.

"Skipper. I'm so sorry." Regan whispered behind her right hand as she cried.

She then saw her mother come into the room and drop to her knees by the bed and after a few moments took Regan's lifeless hand in hers kissed it softly and began to weep for the loss of her only child. It was at that moment that Regan had realized what was going on. She turned to her father teary eyed and very much worried for her mom and Prince.

"Daddy......send me back. I can't leave mama alone! Not Now! Not like this!"

"But do you know why you're here?"

Something In The Water Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now