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After a nice dinner and a little bit of wine Carlyn and Tremaine walked back to their hotel room and changed into something more comfortable for the night. They had already made their plans for the following day to do a little shopping for the baby as well as themselves. Carlyn wanted to start early but Tremaine felt that going when she was well rested was the better choice. He didn't want his wife on her feet all day long and knowing that her changing body may look up for the challenge she might fatigue must faster. The two had just cuddled up in bed and were ready to call it a night when Carlyn remembered that she had to find out what was going on with Regan back at home. Kissing Tremaine and getting out of bed she grabbed her phone from the night stand and scurried over to the small living space in their suite. Carlyn dialed Regan's number and waited for her to pick up. She was a little nervous to hear whatever news Regan was going to tell her but deep down she knew it wasn't going to be good. After the third ring Regan finally picked up.

"Hey! I wasn't expecting you to call back so soon it's only been two hours! I didn't want you to rush." Regan said feeling a little guilty about calling her adoptive child on her honeymoon.

"It's ok! Tre doesn't want me out so late now that I'm getting fatter than a holiday turkey. So what's up? What's got you all anxious?"

"Well I kinda wanted to wait to talk to you about this but now I just have to get it out of my system."

"What's going on? Is Joey alright?"

"You're brother is perfectly fine I promise."

"Well is daddy ok?"

"He's doing fine too I guess but that's what I wanted to talk to you about."

The worry was starting to take over in Carlyn's mind as a million questions clouded her thoughts.

"He's not hurt is he? Did he call you about something?"

"Carly your dad's not hurt. He did call though but I didn't answer."

"Why not?"

"I......I don't really want to.....stay here any more. Carly......your dad doesn't need me anymore. In fact I.....I'm not even sure if he'd care that I leave."

The news stung Carlyn's ears and she thought that she heard Regan wrong.

"You're really gonna leave? Now? But.....but what about staying for the baby?" Carlyn asked as her voice shook.

"I'm not leaving Minnesota I promise. I'm still going to be with you and the baby. That's not changing. I'm......just leaving......Chanhassen."

"Where are you going?" Carlyn asked still afraid that she may change her mind and leave for Indianapolis.

"I'll be in Minneapolis. I have some things to take of with my childhood home and I don't have much time left to get it done so.....I'll be staying there for a while."

"Mom.....why are you leaving Paisley?"

Regan always knew the answer to that question but for Carlyn's sake she decided to save that for another time.

"I'll explain that to you when you come home. I think it's time I make new memories somewhere else. I need to love again and to be loved. I can't wait for your father because he didn't want to wait for me. I know you have always wanted the two of us together by let's face it......what I could give him just wanted enough. It's time I say goodby to an old flame and spark a new one."

Carlyn was hurt by the news of Regan closing the Nelson fairytale chapter and was ready to start on a new fairytale of her own. Since Carlyn was adopted she had always wanted her father to marry the curly headed cutie she saw in his picture books. However she understood that at the end of the day her father was a man and a man doesn't realize what he had until it was too late. She let out a sigh after a brief silence and got her thoughts together.

"Then I guess you have my blessing to move on with your life. On one condition."

"Oh? And what's that?" Regan questions with a smile on her face that could be heard through the phone.

  "I get to pick the guy!"

Tremaine heard that statement and quickly dropped his magazine from his face with a loud verbal expression leaving his lips.

  "SAY WHAT????"

Carlyn silently laughed turning to him a placing a finger to her lips then engaging herself back into her phone conversation. She could hear Regan laughing a little at Tremaine and was too surprised at Carlyn for wanting to help her move on with her life.

  "I appreciate the offer sweetheart but.....don't you have your own family now?" Regan giggled.

  "Have you forgotten already woman you are my family. You're still my mom and nothing is going to change that. Not even that two dollar Tori." Carlyn hissed.

  "Well like it or not she's a Nelson now and you know how your father gets when someone speaks ill of his woman."

  "You are his woman and that's the end of that!  Now if I were you I'd consider a dating site and hop on blackpeoplemeet.com or something and get you a new boo! You'll definitely be needing my help when I get back. I'll even send a text to Auntie Cat for a hair and makeup 911."

Regan let out a long drawn out sigh as she listen to Carlyn put her plans in motion.

  "Carly-" she said before being interrupted.

  "No buts! If you think my dad isn't gonna miss you after tonight then it's time that you make him miss you! He needs to realize what he lost out on! He made his choice to marry that scallawag so now you need to find your own happiness and show him that you did it without him!"

For the first time in a while Regan was convinced that it was time for her to be happy without Prince. She agreed with Carlyn and with that she told her how much she loved her and hung up the phone. Carlyn was excited to finish the job that Regan began with the new look. All she had to was find her the right guy to compliment what she was looking for and then some. Back in Minnesota Regan began to pack her things and arranged for a car to come pick her up from Paisley later on the next evening to take her back to Minneapolis. Once she was done she sat at the end of her bed and was certain that what she was doing was for the best. When she turned to her nightstand the picture of her and Prince when they were young caught her eye. It was the two of them after his first show during he purple Rain tour. They looked so happy during that time. With his arm wrapped around her waist and smiles on their faces Regan remembered that day as if it had just happened. She saw a crowd of thousands grow to love the same person who would sling mud balls at her when they were kids to watching him practice in wonder for hours during the summer vacations from school to now seeing him as the super star she always knew he'd become. The more she thought of him the more her heart began to break. The last of her lonely tears streamed down her cheeks.

  "No. He's not gonna do this to me anymore. I need to let him go." She said to herself flipping the picture face down on her night stand.

Wiping her tears away she turned out the light and laid in her bed.

  "Tomorrow the old Regan leaves for good." She said as she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

By the time Prince was to return Regan would be out of sight and out of mind.

Something In The Water Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now