Poison Heart's Attack

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Soon enough, the turtles, April, Casey, Screwball's friends, Ancient One, and Ninja Tribunal had made their way to the Foot empire. Theu were all ready to save Screwball no matter what.

"Come on, guys." Leo said seriously since he desperately wanted to save his girlfriend. "Let's go."

"Is it just me or does this feel a bit too easy?" Mikey said as he looked around.

"Just this once, I totally agree." Raph said honestly. "There aren't even Foot ninjas here."

As they walked into the empire, they arrived inside of the building. Thunder quickly took a look around, feeling a bit suspicious. "Guys, I think we're being watched." he said simply.

Suddenly they heard evil laughter from close by. They looked up and saw Mothball on the celling, smirking evilly.

"Well, what do you know?" he said evilly as he glared at the blue masked turtle. "I had a feeling you'd show up, Leonardo. You are so predictable."

"Oh yeah!?" Leo asked angrily, glaring at the greenish blue haired boy as he took out his katanas. "Well, how's this for a prediction!? We're here to save Screwball! And I'm going to wipe that smirk off your face for whatever you did to her!"

The turtles, April, and Casey were shocked. They've never seen Leo this upset before.

"Yes, yes." Mothball said, rolling his eyes. "And now come the very big threats from the famous Fearless Leader. As I said. Predictable."

"Where is Screwball!?" Dinky asked furiously. "And what have you done to her!?"

"You're about to find out." a voice said from close by.

The turtles, April, Casey, Screwball's friends, Ancient One, and Ninja Tribunal looked over and saw Karai and Hun now coming up to them with the Foot ninjas. This caused the turtles, Casey, and Ninja Tribunal to take out their weapons.

"Karai." said Leo bitterly as he saw the dark blue haired girl.

"Welcome, turtles." Hun greeted evilly. "I believe that must be the Ancient One and Ninja Tribunal that Master Mothball and Mistress Karai told me, Screwball's adopted family."

"Forget about those two jerks!" Casey said very angrily. "Where is Screwball!?"

"Oh, you mean the newest member of the Foot Clan that she arrived?" Hun asked evilly. "She's around here."

"Newest member of the Foot Clan?" Donnie asked in a bit of fear.

"Very well." Karai simply said. "If you really want to see her. Come out, Poison Heart l"

Everyone, except the Ancient One and Ninja Tribunal, was a bit confused, wondering what their enemy meant. "Oh my god!" the blue, black, and purple haired boy shouted as he looked up. "What the shell is that!?" said the purple masked turtle.

Everyone looked up and gasped in horror when they saw a demon like creature arrive next to Karai and Hun, smirking very evilly. It was none other than Poison Heart.

"Allow me to introduce you to our new member of the Foot Clan. Poison Heart. Or as she was once known as. . . Screwball Fluttershy Draconequus." said Mothball as he jumped next to Karai and Hun.

"Screwball!?" Everyone said in horror and real disbelief when they saw their friend and family member as the demon she is.

Leo was the one who couldn't believe it when he saw his girlfriend suddenly turned into. "Screwball?" he spoke out in shock. "No. This can't be you."

"What have you done to her!?" said Apple Bloosum as she growled.

"Your friend and family member turned into this monster on her own." the blonde haired man said, smirking. "We've done nothing at all. Unless having her father trying to kill the pathetic Leonardo."

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