Days In The Sun

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Weeks went by and everything was alright. At the turtles lair, the turtles and Screwball's friends were enjoying some extreme sports with human-powered vehicles. Mikey and Thunder on skateboards, Raph and Lighting on inline skates, Donnie, Dinky, and Cinnamon Sticks on foldaway bikes, and Leo and Apple Blooosum on foldaway kick scooter.

Mikey and Thunder were coming from a tunnel and back to the lair. "They are the alpha dogs, the thrash Meisters, the undisputed Gods of the halfpipes." said Mikey as he did a few tricks on his skateboard, "Nice move, Mikey. Now watch this." said Thunder as he did a flip on his skateboard.

Raph and Lighting were now coming from behind Mikey and Thunder. "Who needs halfpipe, bro?" said Raph as he did a flip, "We got full pipe."

"Incoming!" said Lighting as she went over Raph. "Yee-ha, coming through!", Donnie, Dinky, Cinnamon Sticks, Leo, and Apple Blooosum were now coming from behind Mikey, Thunder, Raph, and Lighting. "Check this out, guys." said Dinky as she did a trick on her bike, "Nice one Dinks, my turn!" said Cinnamon Sticks as he did a flip on his bike, "Way a go cuz, watch this." said Apple Blooosum as she did a trick on her scooter.

"Going for amplitude." said Donnie as he went up the ramp and did a trick. Leo went up the ramp and did a flip on his scooter and slide against the table. "Going for grinditude."

Everyone was having fun, the Ancient One and Ninja Tribunal were meditating in the dojo,Discord and Fluttershy were taking care of Zany , and Master Splinter is watching his favorite soap opera. But Screwball was the only one who is not having fun, she was sitting on the coach with a sad look on her face.

Leo saw Screwball look on her face, but he didn't see where he was going and crashes into his brothers and Screwball's friends. "Leo, watch where you are going." said Raph, "Sorry guys, I got distracted." said Leo.

"What's up?" asked Lighting, "Yeah, we thought you'd be happy now that Screwball is back to normal and Uncle Discord trusted you guys." said Thunder.

"You don't look so good, Leo." said Dinky, "Did you eat some bad muffins for breakfast?", "No, I just have a few things on my mind." said Leo, "Well, could you please get off of us?" asked Apple Blooosum.

The turtles quickly got off of Screwball's friends and helped them up. "Leo before we crashes into each other, you were looking at Screwball." said Cinnamon Sticks, "It's just that. . . Screwball hasn't been herself lately." said Leo.

"You think it's about a few weeks ago?" said Thunder, "Let's go ask her." said Donnie, the turtles and Screwball's friends walk over to the coach and Leo taped Screwball on the shoulder lightly.

"Hey Screwball, are you okay?" asked Leo as Screwball looked up ay him. "Oh, hey Leo." said Screwball sadly, "What's up?" asked Lighting, "Yeah, we thought you'd be happy now that you're back to normal and Uncle Discord trusted the turtles." said Thunder.

"Is it about what happened a few weeks ago?" asked Mikey, "No, it's just that. . ." Screwball stayed quiet for a while. "What is?" asked Donnie.

"All of you are having so much fun with each other and it makes me feel so. . . sad." Screwball admitted. "You're still upset that the Foot kidnapped your parents after 15 years ago." said Leo.

"Yes, that's true." said Screwball as little tears in her eyes began to form. "Oh Screwball, remember what Master Splinter said?" asked Leo, "You can't change the past, but you can make a better future."

"I know." said Screwball as she began to cry. "My first steps. My first words. My parents misses it all."

The turtles and Screwball's friends were worried about her until Leo called in a huddle. "Guys, huddle up." said Leo as he, his brothers, and Screwball's friends huddle together.

"Look, we know Screwball had rough times in the past." said Leo, "You guys been friends when you were only babies." said Donnie, "And we know that her parents missed her first words and steps." said Raph, "But we shouldn't let Screwball get the best of her." said Mikey.

"They're right, we've missed so many times with Screwball." said Thunder, "Yeah, my brother is right." said Lighting, "But we never thought that Screwball would suffer so much in her past with you-know-who." said Cinnamon Sticks, "Exactly what my cuz said." said Apple Blooosum, "Maybe Leo should sing a song to Screwball, after all he is her romantic partner." said Dinky.

"Agree." said Leo as they broke the huddle, "Screwball, look at me." Leo said, "We know you've suffer so much in your past with you-know-who. And I want to cheer you up with a song."

As he said that, music began to play and the blue masked turtle began to sing.

Leo: Days in the sun
Where your life has barely begun
Not until your whole life is done
I will never leave you

Then Master Splinter, the Ancient One, Fluttershy, Discord, and Ninja Tribunal came in the living room and the Ancient One began to sing as well.

Ancient One: Will you tremble again
To your dear one's family again

Then Discord and Fluttershy began to sing together.

Discord and Fluttershy: Will you now forever remain

Out of reach of my arms

Then Dinky began to sing as well.

Dinky: All those days in the sun
What I'd give to relive just one
Undo what's done
And bring back the light

Then Apple Blooosum began to sing as well.

Apple Blooosum: Oh I could sing
Of the pain these dark days bring
The ones who kept us apart
Still it's the of us I sing of tonight

Then Screwball began to sing as well.

Screwball: How in the midst of all this sorrow
Can so much hope and love endure
I was innocent and certain
Now I'm wiser but unsure

Apple Blooosum: Days in the past

Screwball: I can't go back into my childhood

Apple Blooosum: All those precious days

Screwball: One that my parents made secure

Apple Blooosum: Couldn't last

Screwball: I can feel a change in me
I'm stronger now but still not me

Apple Blooosum: Oh hold me closer

Soon everyone began to sing together to cheer Screwball up.

Everyone: Days in the sun will return
We must believe as lovers do
That days in the sun
Will come shining through

After they finished singing, Leo walked over to Screwball and gave her a hug. "Screwball, you must remember that we're all family." said Kon. "No matter what someone look, everyone is a family." said Juto. "One day, you will have to take a responsibility so great it will take all your courage to find." said Chikara.

"The Ninja Tribunal are right." said Leo, "It's not just going to be you and your real family, we all in this together."

Screwball smiled at the blue masked turtle and returned the hug. "Thank you, Leo." said Screwball as she looked at him. "And I love you."

"I love you too, Screwball." said Leo as he gently kissed Screwball, which she quickly returned. "Everyone, I got an idea." said Donnie as he told everyone whatat his idea is in secret.

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