It's me

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Handing Lindsey the TV remote, Grace asked him before going away. "Is there anything else I can get for you? If not, I'll be starting dinner."

Lindsey shook his head, answering her question. "No, thanks. I'm okay." 

Grace went to the kitchen, leaving Lindsey by himself, as he turned the TV on and started surfing through channels for something to watch. However, what seemed just a minute later, the doorbell rang. Lindsey frowned, thinking who could it be, since Mick owned a key and no one else knew where he was.

"I'll get it!" He yelled to his caregiver, starting to wheel himself to the door. It took him some time, the bell ringing once more. "I'm coming!" Lindsey exhaled heavily, reaching his destination. He leaned forward a little and opened the door, confused. "I don't think you've got the right-"

"I'm Mark."

"Oh..." Lindsey leaned back in his seat. "Why the hell are you on my doorstep? And how did you knew where to find me?" 

"I came here to talk to you." Mark spoke calmly. "And you'll listen."

Lindsey scoffed, folding his arms over his chest. "Why would I?"

"I'm not here to stir shit up." Mark told him straight. "I have every intention of making things better."

With his jaw clenched, Lindsey stared at Mark for a moment, before wheeling himself away from the door, letting the man in. How am I supposed to compete with that?, Lindsey asked himself, leading the way to the living room.

"I'm falling in love with your wife." Mark said, taking a seat. "While I know she loves you just as much as ever. In the very short period of time I've known Stevie, I've grown close to her and she's... she's a beautiful woman, inside and out. I'm not saying she's innocent in all this, but at least she's opened her eyes and realized that your marriage is worth fighting for. Everyday that passes, the farther you push her away from you, the harder I fall for her. I just can't do it. I know you own her heart and that's never going to change. It shouldn't be me, telling you this - it should be Stevie. If only you knew how much she's cried over you and how badly you've been hurting her." 

"I've heard all of this already." Lindsey sighed, his hands clasped in his lap, his eyes fixed on them. 

"And it doesn't affect you at all?" Mark asked surprised. "You obviously don't know how lucky you are. She isn't your girlfriend, whom you've been dating for a year or so. This is your woman, your wife of over twenty years, the mother of your children. I don't understand how you can just... just let her go. She loves you." 

"What good am I to her?" Lindsey raised his voice. "Why would she need me, love me, when she could have you, for example. You're a man capable of many things and here I am, in a fucking wheelchair!"

"Do you honestly believe that Stevie's that shallow? Do you think that she'd be embarrassed to be seen with you, while you're using a wheelchair to move around? I told Stevie to stop focusing on herself so much, but I'm going to tell you the same thing." Mark pointed at Lindsey, pausing, in hopes Lindsey would look at him. "I'm sorry about what happened to you, but it's not a reason to leave your wife, your family. You're not just hurting Stevie, you're hurting your kids, too. Zack is so young and the poor boy is so confused by what's going on. If only you knew how many times he asked when Daddy's coming home and every single of those times, Stevie's eyes would brim with tears and she'd tell him that hopefully soon. But instead of coming home to the people you love, you push them away, you run from them." It wasn't very often that Mark got emotional, but he had to take a minute to collect himself. "I know what it feels like to lose the woman you love and I don't wish that feeling for my worst enemy. I didn't have a say in it, but you do. My wife was on her deathbed, I knew I was never going to see her again... All you have to do is pick up the damn phone and call her." Catching a tear before it fell, Mark took a deep breath, saying something else. "And trust me, you want to call her. I'll find my way out." Mark stood up and was gone just like that.

Lindsey was left completely speechless. He didn't know why he even let Mark inside, but now he was glad he did. Of course it hurt him, hearing everything Mark had to say. Lindsey understood he was making a lot of mistakes were Stevie was concerned, clearly he was, he wanted to divorce her. No, he thought he had to divorce her to make things easier. Was this really want he wanted?


After dinner, Julia was helping Stevie clean up the kitchen, while she was trying to decide what to do. Should she go and see Lindsey first? Should she tell Stevie? Should she tell Stevie it was definitely Mick, who was helping Lindsey? So many questions swirled in her head...

"Jules? Did you hear a word I said?" Stevie placed a hand on Julia's shoulder to get her attention. "You were miles away, sweetheart."

"Yeah, yeah I was." Julia laughed it off nervously. 

"What's on your mind?"

"Just... Just thinking that's all." She shrugged, putting the last plate in its place. 

"Care to share with me?" 

"It's-" Julia was thinking of making up a lie, but thankfully, the phone started ringing and Stevie rushed to answer it, assuming it was Mark, since he said, he'd call.

Bringing the receiver up to her ear, Stevie already had a smile on her face. "Well, did you get there in time?" She asked right away.

"Steph, it's me..."

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