Thank you

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"When did you say the workers will be here?" Stevie asked Lindsey.

"Um... not long now, the one I spoke to mentioned 2 pm." Lindsey replied, after checking his watch. "Come on, babe, they'll get the rest of the things out themselves." He held out a hand for Stevie, who wanted the room, which was going to be the nursery, to be empty by the time the workers arrived. "This is exactly what they'll be getting paid for."

"Right, you're right." Stevie nodded, bending over a little, to place down what she had in her hand already. 

"You also have to promise you won't linger in the doorway the whole time." Lindsey jokingly pointed out, as they were making their way downstairs. 

"I promise." She smiled, fingers crossed behind her back. Lindsey gave her a look, but she quickly changed the subject. "What would you like for lunch?"

"I would like for you to rest." 

"But I'm not tired." Stevie said, moving to put the kettle on. "You on the other hand, I saw you limping. Don't you remember what the doctor said?"

"Not to overdo it, I know, but I'm fine, really. I think I stepped on it wrong, when I was getting out of bed."

"Really? You better not be lying to me." Stevie looked at him pointedly and Lindsey just gave her a nod. 

Half an hour passed quickly. Stevie and Lindsey were enjoying some quiet together, since Zack was having a nap. The doorbell rang and Stevie got up to open the door, Lindsey following behind her. Without thinking, she pulled the door open and she was confused.

"What are you two doing here?" Despite her question, Stevie greeted both Mick and John with a warm hug, letting them come inside.

"What do you think?" Mick asked back, a wide grin on his face, as he held up two cans of paint. Frowning, Stevie turned to look at Lindsey, who gave her a wink, then she faced their bandmates again. "We're here to help!"

"Oh, you guys..." She smiled at last. "You're sneaky." Stevie joked, pointing at Lindsey. 

"I knew I couldn't do all of the work myself, so I called Mick and John and they were more than happy to help." Lindsey explained, hugging her around the shoulders, when Stevie stood by his side. 

"That's so nice of you." Stevie said.

Then there was a voice, coming from behind their friends. "Do you reckon there's enough space for me too?"

"Mark..." Stevie gasped, shocked to see him, coming around Mick's side. "Oh my God." She embraced him as close as she could, holding onto him for a moment, since they hadn't seen each other for months now. 

Even though this was Lindsey's idea in the first place, he wasn't exactly comfortable watching his wife in another man's arms. A man, whom Lindsey knew had feelings for her. Although, he quickly told himself to forget it. After all, if it wasn't for Mark, Lindsey might not even be with Stevie anymore.

"I hope you don't mind me joining forces." Mark laughed lightly, seeing Stevie shake her head.

"Not at all. I'm so happy you're here. I missed you." She smiled at him, moving to stand next to Lindsey again. Tilting her chin up, she stood on her tiptoes and pressed their lips together. "Thank you." All of Lindsey's unfounded insecurities disappeared, as he smiled back and kissed her again. 

Mick, John and Mark were showed to the soon to be nursery and they wasted no time, getting down to work. Since Stevie was completely confident with them turning a plain room into a beautiful one for their baby girl, like she had promised, she didn't stand and watch over the three working all the time. Once Stevie caught up with Mark, she returned to Lindsey and their son, who were playing together in the family room. 

"I love you." Stevie said, taking a seat. "That was so thoughtful of you."

"I knew you'd appreciate it." Lindsey glanced at her. "Mick and John are like family and... well, I know Mark was the one there for you, when I was being an idiot. I know he was a good friend to you when you needed one."

"That's true." Stevie nodded in agreement. "He was a good friend to me." She echoed Lindsey's words, knowing that it was still somewhat of a touchy subject. "Our girl isn't even born yet and she's already so loved."

"Well, of course. She's got our genes, everybody knows she'll be a feisty little firecracker like her mother, but you just can't help falling in love with her." Lindsey spoke, a smile on his face. "Layla Buckingham will be crushing boys' hearts, before she learns how to walk."

"We've settled on Layla, then?" Stevie asked, since they hadn't talk about it again.

"I think we have." Lindsey nodded. 

"Seems like she loves it." Stevie joked, feeling a kick against her hand. 

Slowly getting up off the floor, Lindsey sat down beside Stevie, replacing her hand with his own. "We can't wait to meet you, Layla." 

Zack, being the miniature clone of his father, settled down on the couch on Stevie's other side and put his little hand against her belly too. "I want to meet you too! I'm your big brother!" Zack then pulled his hand away quickly. "She kicked me! But... but I love her." His big eyes instantly pooled with tears, as his lip trembled. 

"Aw, baby." Stevie pulled her son closer. "Don't cry, Zacky. It's not because she doesn't like you. When babies kick, it means that they're just moving. Layla kicks when Daddy talks to her, before she recognizes his voice. She kicks when I sing, because she knows it's me also. She kicked, because she knows it's her big brother talking to her."

"Really?" Zachary asked, unsure.

"Of course, baby. Don't worry, sweetie." Kissing the top of his curls, Stevie smiled at her son reassuringly. 

Still a little hesitant, Zack rested his palm on Stevie's belly again. "I can't wait to meet you!" 

Layla kicked again, but this time it was followed by adorable giggles instead of tears.

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