Unknown Women

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Third POV

For the past few hours Wade sat and chatted with his reunited family. Talking about what happened, what he's been threw, and against his will, what he had done. It's actually pretty hard to tell the people you love the horrible and bloody things you've done. But to Wade's surprise, they weren't angry with him. Instead they hugged him as if they could wipe away all the bad things that honestly gave him nightmares when he didn't drink himself unconscious. But they also laughed at his pranks and shenanigans he pulled to get away from Fury. But suddenly their warm heartening fun was cut short when someone busted threw thew door. It was a woman with long brown hair that reached the back of her knees, pale skinned, dark blue eyes, a bit on the short side but had a body that would knock any man on his knees. And by her tight black dress and matching stripper boots, she damned well knew that. The only thing that threw the sexy allure off was the bandages wrapped around her hands and around her neck. 

"¡No te alejes de mí! (Translation:Don't you walk away from me!!)" shouted a smaller brunet girl who was clearly younger quickly fallowing after the elder.

"¡Me alejaré de ti si quiero a Laura! (Translation: I'll walk away from you if I wanna Laura!!)" Replied the older woman before she whipped around to face the younger. "¿Qué tan estúpido tienes que ser para tratar de apuñalar a una persona para pedir direcciones ?! (Translation: How stupid do you have to be to try to stab a person for asking for directions?!)"

"¡Podría haber sido un enemigo! (Translation: He could have been an enemy!)" Shouted the little girl.

"Esto no es México !! ¡Hay más gente buena que mala! (Translation: This isn't mexico!! There are more good than bad people here!!) shouted the older.

"EL HECHO DE QUE USTED CREE QUE LA MIERDA DE BULL ESTÁ MÁS PEQUEÑA QUE CUANDO USTED LLEVA AQUÉ CUERPO DEL BURRO PARA UN HOMBRE QUE ESTÁ LARGO DE- !! (Translation: THE FACT THAT YOU BELIEVE THAT BULL SHIT IS SADDER THAN WHEN YOU WEAR THAT WHORE ASS OUTFIT FOR A MAN WHO IS LONG DE-!!)" The younger started but was interrupted by a slap to the face by the older. She then retaliated with anger by stabbing the older in the stomach with claws the same as Logan's.

"Laura!" Logan shouted in a scolding tone as Wade sat there dumb founded on how the younger just brushed off Logan and kept stabbing the older in the abdomen. And if Wade didn't know better, then he'd say she was taking it head on. But as everyone got up (except the professor) to stop the little girl named Laura. She was suddenly thrown up into the ceiling and forcibly brought down to the ground so hard it left holes into both, then flung across the room like it was nothing. 

"What the hell is happening?!" Wade shouted as Laura BARELY missed him in her flight.

He quickly looked between the older who suddenly had a metallic and sharp tale whipping around, and all her wounds healing as fast as his ability. And the younger, who was pulling herself out of the new formed crater in the wall, growling low like a pissed off animal.

"Tráelo perra. (Translation: Bring it bitch.)" The older said, moving her hands in a beckoning motion.

Laura jumped threw the air at the older girl, but was caught and held in place by Logan. While the older was frozen into place by storm so as not to attack the younger while she is immobile. "NOW WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" Logan shouted annoyed.

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