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Jason - one month later

"Say cheese," I grin as I snap a picture of Nezther and Grace. Gracie finally got to come home with us after three weeks.

She looks back down at the baby

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She looks back down at the baby. "My little munchkin is so big now," she kisses the baby's forehead.

I smile at her, leaning against the counter. "We should finish packing in the next few days," I say as Jasper comes into the room.

"Jenny is still sleeping," he huffs and plops himself down on my lap. "I wanna play with her."

I wrap my arm around him. "Yeah? Why not Gracie?" I smirk.

He leans up to whisper in my ear. "Because Mommy likes her more than me an' I don't wanna be around her," he whispers.

Nezther looks at me with a sad expression. "Can you take her, Jace? I wanna talk to Jasper," she murmurs. I set Jasper on the floor and take Grace. "Come here," Nezther lifts our son up into her arms.

He rests his head in the crook of her neck. He wraps his arms around her as best as he can. "Momma," he whimpers.

She slowly sways side to side on her feet. "I'm here, baby, okay?" He nods slowly. "I love you just as much as I love the girls. You are still my baby, Jasper."

"I never get to spend time with my Momma and Daddy anymore," he kicks his legs slightly.

"Hey, watch those feet. Don't hit Mommy," I say sternly.

He looks down at his feet before stopping. "Sorry," he grumbles.

Nezther kisses his forehead. "It's okay, how about you come lay in our bed and watch a movie with us at bed time? Then we can both lay with you and spend time with you."

My son's face lights up. "Yes! I want to!"

Kinsley walks in the door, setting her keys on the counter. Nezther opens her mouth to say something but Kin cuts her off. "I don't want to talk about it," she sniffles. "He's so selfish. I can't believe he made me do that."

"Alright, well I'm here when you're ready to talk about it. Where's Leigh?" Nezther sets Jasper down.

Kin wipes beneath her eyes. "Someone called her saying that something happened to her younger brother," she shrugs. "I gave her some privacy."

"I'm going to go check on her."

I watch my wife walk out the door. "Where's Justin?" I ask quietly so Gracie doesn't wake up.

"I don't care. He's so fucking selfish."

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" I furrow my eyebrows as she sits next to me.

She leans her head on my shoulder. "I can't believe him, Jace. Would you ever make Nezther do that?"

I lean my head against hers. "Never," I murmur.

Jasper climbs on Kinsley's lap. "What he make you do, Kinny?" He pouts.

"He made me get rid of my baby," she sniffles.

Jasper wipes a few tears off her face. "Like Mommy's babies?"

She nods, "kind of. Except they were in my belly, not Momma's," she explains.

I move my head away from hers. "I'm going to go lay her down," I say as I stand up. I walk up the stairs and into the nursery. "There you go, Soldier. Have sweet dreams, my tiny Princess." I move over to see Jenny still fast asleep in her crib. I smile before exiting the room. Nezther and Leigh walk up the stairs. "Hey," I say to them.

Leigh just walks into her room and closes the door. "A police officer shot her brother," Nessie tells me. I furrow my eyebrows. "He called them because the house was being broken into and when they got there, he went to turn on the lights as they entered and they shot him."

My eyes widen. "Is she–"

She cuts me off. "She's gonna be okay. I figured I'd make something nice for dinner and she said she'd join us."

I nod, leaning against the wall. "Y'know, we haven't had a minute alone since you got home," I smile. 

"You're right," she grins back.

"C'mere, beautiful," I grab her hips and pull her to me. An angelic giggle leaves her lips as I lean my forehead against hers. "What's so funny?" I chuckle.

"You tickled my sides when you pulled me," she whispers.

I stare into her eyes and watch them dart down to my lips. "You want a kiss?" She nods, her eyes fluttering shut. "You still have the pregnancy glow, you look so beautiful."

I gently mold my lips around her top one. She then takes my bottom lip between hers and moves her hands to the back of my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist, killing her flush against my chest. I swipe my tongue against her lip, causing her mouth to open. The kiss stays slow, but continues to get more intimate by the second and I've never felt closer to her. Both in a physical and emotional state.

I quickly pull away. "I'm sorry," I cough. "I didn't mean to startle you. I just had an idea and... I want to tell you before I forget."

"Okay, baby," she runs her fingers through my hair. "What is it?"

When She Is No Longer Mine «Jason McCann & Justin Bieber»Where stories live. Discover now